You are probably prepared to writing your paper. But, well, is there really a way to be prepared for it? In real fact, it is very hard to find a person who knows everything that is necessary for writing even a thesis in a paper, not talking about the paper itself. There are many ways in which you could find out all the information on this subject, but finding the information is one thing, while applying it is quite a different. As always – knowing something theoretically is quite different from doing it in reality on practice. Nevertheless you need to start working on your paper before too late, while the closer you come to the deadline, the less chances of writing the better research paper you have. But what is a thesis in a paper? Do you know how to format your paper? What do you know about citation styles? Will, this all yet needs to be explored by you. Meanwhile you have got very little time for writing the thesis, for making this sort of a research. Frankly speaking, spending long hours at a library is something you can barely afford since there are very many other little trifles in your hands, and you cannot afford to let go of all the rest of academic assignments only in order to take care of your paper.

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