Review essay samples

Book Review for The Precariat
The book of the British sociologist Guy Standing titled The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class examines one of the most painful issues of today: the ...

Reviewing the short story:''Cathedral''
Exploring the changes perceived in the thinking process of the character:In the first paragraph, the character is perceived as having a contemptuous ...

The Metamorphosis
Kafka’s novel The Metamorphosis bases on the discussion of the theme of absurd. Specifically, it describes irrational events showing that things ...

The Most movie review
The main hero of the Most made a quite controversial moral choice since he sacrificed the life of his son in order to save the passengers of the ...

Anatomy of a Murder
The movie Anatomy of a Murder is a courtroom drama directed by Otto Preminger. It is based on a real story and depicts the attempts of former ...

The article review “The Strange Career of Free Exercise”
The article “The Strange Career of Free Exercise” written by Garret Epps (2016) provides a critical overview of the topic related to the exercise ...

Inside Islam
This documentary film Inside Islam argues that Islam is a nonviolent religion which does not support the actions of terrorists. The movie analyzes ...

HBO the Execution of Wanda Jean
The film covers the documentary about the execution of Wanda Jean Allen. The documentary was released on March 31st, 2012. Generally, Wanda Jean ...

Article Review: Innovative enterprises
According to the process of innovation, there are different models of the innovative enterprises. One of the criteria for their separation is methods ...

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution and Mapp V. Ohio
The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution is one of the leading points of American law that provides citizens of this country with the right of being ...