Review essay samples


America in the 1950's

One of the most consequential events to have occurred in recent history was the onset of the world war, particularly the Second World War (which ...


Intermediate Periods of Egypt

The First Intermediate Period is also referred to as dark period. It refers to the period 2181-2055 BC, after the Old Kingdom. The period includes ...


The Night Stalker Richard Ramirez

The history knows a lot of cruel murderers, but only some of them are worth to be studied because their cases are so unique that it was even ...


Collective Barraging

The  revolution  in  the  relations  of  wage  labor  began  in  the  1930s  of  the  previous  century  after  the  initiative  ...


Communicating Through Posture

While campaigning for the presidency of the United States of America, former president, George W. Bush used various forms of non-verbal ...


A New Earth


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Purposeful living is a phenomenon not common to most people. Often, persons are trying hard to understand ...


Federal Reserve Bank

Jon Hilsenrath wrote an article that appeared in The Wall Street Journal on 20th November 2012 regarding the intentions of the Federal Reserve Bank ...


Analysis of 'The Truman Show' Movie

Dark comedy named ‘The Truman Show’ uncovers numerous sides of life and the media. On the surface, the movie deals with moral and ethical issues ...


A Class Divided

A Class Divided is a documentary film that was produced following the assassination of Martin King Luther in 1968. It reveals an experiment carried ...


Discussion Six

The article discusses two vegetable juice-making farms: the Campbell’s and the Grimmway farms. Grimmway farms produce V7, a juice from seven ...

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