Marrakech by George Orwell


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The essay titled Marrakech by George Orwell has several themes. However, poverty or suffering can be considered as the main theme of the essay. The theme of poverty has been produced clearly in the essay through the use of direct observation and descriptive imagery. The organization of the text and the choice of words used provides a clear indication that poverty is the main theme of the essay. Hence, this paper will attempt to show that poverty is the main theme of the essay “Marrakech” by George Orwell.


The author wanted the readers to determine the causes of poverty in Marrakech. Hence, he provided a vivid description of the situation in Marrakech. The vivid description of how corpses were moved around the area and how flies behaved shows the level of poverty in the area. The first statements of the essay show unclean and unpleasant conditions that relate to poverty. Flies follow a corpse and then go into a restaurant where people are taking their meals. This shows unsanitary conditions that are only possible in places where there is high levels of poverty.

The description of how the flies moved also brings out poverty as the main theme of the essay. George Orwell provided a vivid description of how the flies moved and their volume. The description is vivid so that the reader can imagine the actual situation in Marrakech. He used words like “cloud of flies” to show that there were so many flies in the area. Additionally, he noted that the flies went to the dead body that was carried in the street. Finally, the descriptions provided show that it was a normal condition to have dead bodies carried in the streets and flies in the restaurant. These are situations that are only possible in places where the poverty levels are high.

Additionally, the description of the ghetto of the Jews provided in the essay brings out poverty as the main theme. The author provided a vivid description of the living and working conditions of the jews. In the description of the ghetto, he highlighted unfortunate conditions that show the existence of poverty. In addition, he showed that the Jews are marginalized due to poverty. He noted that they worked in fly-infested cubicles that were dark and that looked like caves. These show that they worked in bad conditions due to poverty. Marginalization of the Jews also show the existence of discrimination in the city of Marrakech.

Furthermore, the description of the women in Marrakech and the work that they performed bring out poverty as the main theme. George Orwell used vivid description to show how the women were mistreated and how they performed difficult tasks. Moreover, the women were in poor health and they lacked the strength required to perform the menial tasks. He used phrases like “body reduced to bones” to show the existence of poverty in the city. Finally, the description of how animals are treated in Marrakech also shows the existence of poverty in the city. The author noted the painful and cold ways that were used in disposal of dead animal. He used dramatic and emotive language to describe the disposal of the bodies to show pity, contempt and poverty.


The essay titled “Marrakech” has several themes. The goal of this paper was to show that poverty is the main theme of the essay. It has managed to show that poverty is the main theme of the essay through provision of several examples. Additionally, the use of vivid description in the essay has been used in this paper to support the argument that poverty is the main theme in Marrakech.

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