Do They Read for Pleasure?

Reading habit has changed in the last few decades. A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource.This study explored the liaison between reading for gratification and inventiveness. The results indicated that reading for pleasure was significantly, positively correlated to creativity.

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To begin with, the research is both qualitative and quantitative since they both involve gathering of data, uses participants observations and on the other hand it also uses questionnaires and surveys respectively. The research topic is the understanding of recreational reading patterns for academic achievement in university students. The problems with the research include: not discussed or justified why adults did not prefer reading for recreational purpose even though it is beneficial to the student in improving their vocabulary and the blocks of time used in determination of time spans (Gallick, (1999).

The samples were taken according to the findings that were recorded using adults and students in various levels of education. Adults reading for recreational purposes added up to 42.8% and students aged between 18 and 24, recorded a percentage of 58.2 in one year. The research incorporated ethics into the study in that it stressed that the overall contribution that readers give to the society is equally of great importance and should not discriminate anyone, both adults and the young. They further found that the tendency to read and not to read correlates with broader differences in educational, civic and cultural engagements. The research employed the method of time-diary surveys with students and found that the internet was dominant activity preferred by students. Gallik (1999) also used the method of questionnaire surveys with students in comparing recreational reading habit during school year and summer against academic achievement. The descriptive statistics used were in regard to different countries and it found that “first year: males (M=1.57 hours; SD=1.98), females (M=1.49; SD=1.64); third year: males (M=1.90; SD=2.18), females (M=1.76; SD=1.86.”

Findings of imperative note, from student journals, were the connections that students were capable of drawing from the text to their own individual achievement and life experience, including from the text to worldly happenstance and comprehension. Yes, it generalized to a population in that it conducted a national survey of college students’ life experiences in different demographic regions (Gallick, (1999). 

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