The Significance of Voluntary Work

The sacrificing of a portion of an individual’s time in participating in voluntary activities is essential in widening the view of life. One’s talent and time can enable them have the opportunity to relate to various life experiences. These benefits are not only individualistic as the service one offers is of considerable importance to as the people receiving the service will appreciate it. It brings out a feeling of appreciation for one’s work, therefore, giving motivation to those who participate in it. For students, it exposes them to various situations in which they can apply their skills and knowledge. Giving back to the society is a gratifying feeling for those who participate in voluntary work while at work. Voluntary work generally engenders one to be a selfless in nature, and this is a virtue within the society.

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I would like to volunteer within an orphanage to aid orphans and abandoned children with their destitute situation. I would like to participate in this activity for as long as I am in the state to help with the situation as much as I can. The numbers of children in orphanages are numerous and facilities in place are not sufficient to ensure their proper care. I would like to participate in this work for as long as I can because the situation is not getting any better with time.

To volunteer within a children’s home, the preparations may include collecting resources that get needed by the facilities for efficient running. Food stuffs, clothes, stationery, toys, soaps and any other domestic amenities are relevant for such a prospective. Collecting of such items from as many donors as possible gets done before going to aid with the supplies in the orphanages. Attire must get carefully selected that allows convenient working conditions within the facility.

The orphanages require an application to assist them before one supports them in any voluntary check. References do not get required as such before participating in voluntary work in an orphanage. Voluntary work is not restrictive to anyone in the society as it is in dire need for assistance. A background check may be necessary as care is of immense significance when determining the kind of people that relate with the children. Safety and morality are a necessity within the orphanage to ensure proper upbringing. Such are the characters required of volunteers who are supposed to interact directly with the children. However, the acceptance of aid to the facilities does not get highly scrutinized as they are desperate for the extra help they can get from society.

The orphanages require domestic amenities such as clothes, food stuffs, toys and even soaps that can be use by the enormous number of children they harbor. The equipment and facilities within the facilities are not sufficient enough o satisfactorily serve the whole institution. Entertainment for the children is also needed by the society as the kids barely have toys and playgrounds to ward off boredom. The staff at orphanages is barely sufficient to carry out all the duties effectively and in time. They require volunteer who can help them carry out the laundry work, cook for the children and even ensure hygiene gets maintained within their quarters.

I would like to volunteer within the orphanages because of the plight of children all around the state. Abandoned children go through a lot whether within or outside the orphanage system. This has engendered me to assist in reducing the sorrow and suffering that these children go through at such an early age. These children get forced to fend for themselves at an extremely early age, and this destroys their childhood. Such children also become prone to exploitation by people who get charged with caring for them. As a volunteer, I would like to champion for their rights by advocating for them and providing them with the much I can in terms of amenities.

During volunteering, keen interest must get developed in the way the children live their lives to understand them fully. The success of the volunteer work is dependent on the adapting to the situation within the orphanage. A fruitful experience will get realized only if one identifies with the situation enough to empathize with children.

Problems encountered during the work include a lack of encouragement from the society. The staff within the orphanages may not be as enthusiastic about the job as I would be, and the misappropriation of resources meant for the children. This could get solved by approaching the situations with a hands-on approach. Ensuring the donations solely gets used for the benefit of the children. Motivating the workers to become more dedicated in their responsibilities can also help in getting the morale to work.

The extent of help required by the orphanages is chiefly the grass roots. As for the managements of orphanages, government officials get appointed to carry out such duties. The aid they require starts at the support staff boiling down to the facilities and resources. This aid is significant as without it the system would get paralyzed.

This work would be an eye opener to the various problems within society, and skills of adapting to harsh condition of work also get built. It builds a sense of selflessness as one discovers that there are other people in the world with problems that require our involvement.

This work brings a satisfaction and a settling of conscience knowing that he’ she did their best to help those in need. Before writing this essay, I had a feeling of sympathy for the strife of abandoned children. Their lack of emotional, mental and financial support makes them unable to reach their goals in life. Such voluntary work is significant in giving hope to such children and enlightening the advantaged persons in the society on the plight of other people in society. 

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