Role of Lesson Plan

A lesson plan is a key tool to effective teaching and success. It is an organized description of a course of instruction for every lesson so as to guide  the teacher teaching that particular course. A lesson plan is written down by a teacher in order to guide him or her in effectively instructing a certain class (Singh, 2009, p. 34). Therefore each course has its own lesson plan. A teacher can have one or more lesson plans depending on the courses he or she is teaching. The size of the lesson plan will be determined by the coverage or the scope of the course. It will also depend on the experience of the teacher in question. New teachers are advice to develop a very detailed plan to guide them will as they grow in their teaching career their lesson plan will be sketchy (Butt, 2006, p. 89).

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The detail of a lesson plan will also depend on the expectations of the pupils. This is usually determined by the description of the course as per the school system or the course syllabus. A good lesson plan outlines the needs and interests of the students (Michael, 2007). It includes all the activities that should be covered to completely understand every course. It also indicate the dates of assignments, group works, practicals, workshops and tests and  their scope. A school normally provide a limited number of textbooks to be used in every lesson. The teachers therefore chooses carefully the book to use before developing a lesson plan since the book will guide them in coming up with an effective and efficient plan(Singh, 2009, p. 36-40).

Lesson plan plays a major role in teaching. It has several benefits, some of which are as follows. A well planned lesson helps both the students and the teachers in that it eliminates frustrations and bad surprises. The dates of assignments are well set so that the students are prepared to do them on the set date. Lesson plan make the teachers ant the students stay on track (Michael, 2007, p. 45). Before every lesson they know what the topic is and the tasks they are needed to perform or even the materials which are necessary for that particular lesson. It enables the faculty and the students to achieve their objectives. This is because every lesson place have written objectives at the end of the course. Lesson plan greatly benefits the teachers in that they are able to conceptualize every procedure of teaching before the time of the lesson. They are able to get prepared in time and even find answers to the possible question which might arise during the lesson. This therefore increases the effectiveness of teaching in that the teacher has full understanding of the lesson and so will the students. A well organized lesson plan can also be a substitution for the teachers in case they are not available (Butt, 2006, p. 90-95).

Since lesson plans are documented they can be referred to in future and can also be improved based on the outcomes (Butt, 2006). This is to say when the teacher is taking a similar class in future the lesson plan can be re-used, hence saving on time and energy. A lesson plan will help in audit trails by the school management in order to find out the lessons that were covered and those that were not covered  (Singh, 2009). Lesson plans also helps to ensure effective communication to the students. It makes the teachers and the students prepared for the lesson in terms of materials and methods needed for every class. Analysis shows that , although a lesson plan do not necessarily ensure that students will learn, it  is a key contributing factor to their success. A teacher that does not develop a lesson plan has a disorganized class (Michael, 2007).

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