Hinduism Questions

1. Explanation of Brahman

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In Hinduism, Brahman is a God’s concept. It is the unchanging, transcendent, and infinite reality of all things in the universe. Brahman is a principle rather than a deity. In Hinduism, there are many gods and goddesses representing various aspects of the vast principle of Brahman.

2. Explanation of Nirguna Brahman

Nirguna Brahman is not different from the supreme god; it contains whatever qualities we give to the divine being. Through his powers, he is believed to create many worlds and deludes all beings who are not different from him. Nirguna Brahma has no attributes’ and, as such, is not an entity of prayer, but of meditation and knowledge. Therefore, Nirguna is the aspect of the ultimate reality, and this concept is beyond thought and reasoning.

3. Explanation of Saguna Brahman

On the other hand, Saguna Brahman is said to be the maker, sustainer, and organizer of the world. Both male and female Hindus worship Saguna Bahaman. Saguna Brahman is eternal; does not decay and is paramartha. He cannot be affected even as he appears in this world because he controls al the effects of his deities.

4. Explanation of Hinduism trinity

Hinduism has a trinity; it refers to the cosmological pantheon of Hinduism. The pantheon is made of Hinduism three principle deities (Gods), which are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Each plays a different and important role in running the world. Brahma is the god of creation and he is accepted as the creator of the entire world. Vishnu is said to sleep in the ocean known as Gorbhodaka Ocean. Brahma sits on the middle of lotus while Shiva takes the form of nataraja and dances the dance of destruction.

5. Comparison of Brahman to the concept of God in Christianity or Judaism

The concept of god in Brahman is similar in both Judaism and Christianity. In Hinduism, Brahman is an abstract concept of the Eternal, the transcendent, unchanging, and infinite reality just as god is in Judaism and Christianity.

6. Hinduism and polytheism

Hinduism is considered polytheist. This implies that there is a worship of many gods and goddesses. This gets complicated because it appears monotheistic with three other gods. The three that is Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva which represent creation, preservation, and destruction as such therefore, it could be seen as polytheism or monotheism.

7. Explanation of Vedanta

Vedanta is used collectively to refer to the number of texts or “Vedas.” The ancient Hindus composed the Vedanta and put all their knowledge and beliefs into them. However,

8. Explanation of Advaita Vedanta and the ultimate side of Brahman

Advaita Vedanta is a concept that states that there is no duality. Additionally, the concept states that everything is a manifestation of one of the universe consciousness; people’s experiences are dreams of this consciousness. The ultimate aim of Advaita Vedanta is to improve the individual-divine relationship.

9. The primary scripture of Advaita Vedanta

Advaita Vedanta is drawn primarily from the Upanishads, a set of philosophical and informative Vedic scriptures.

10. Explanation of Bhakti devotion and its primary scripture

Bhakti devotion is also known as yoga devotion, it is the path of love and worship towards god. It forms an imperative part of Hindu spirituality. The devotion is not sentimental but a systematic way of purifying ones emotions and deepening a person’s capacity for love. It requires good training and discipline of one’s mind and will. The ultimate purpose of the devotion is to merge oneself in the ocean of divine love through devotion.

11. The primary scripture of Bhakti devotion

Bhakti devotion is based on the Hindu scriptures Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavata Purana.

12. The distinction between Krishna Consciousness International and Self-Realization Fellowship       

In Hinduism, there is Krishna Consciousness international and self-realization fellowship. These two differ in two ways: Krishna consciousness is used to describe the awareness of the Hindus   relationship with the lord Krishna. Hindus believe that as living souls, they are part of their lord Krishna and therefore they are eternal servants and their only duty is to serve him. As servants, they keep Krishna first in everything they do. All their activities and thoughts are oriented towards lord Krishna’s pleasure. A Krishna devotee is Krishna conscious because he/she lives her life in a mood to serve Krishna and his devotees.

13. Explanation of Self-Realization Fellowship Service

Self-Realization Fellowship Service is a concept that has become widely used, in Hindu. It refers to a strong spiritual awakening from a false self-identity figure to the true, divine, and ideal state of an individual.

14. Explanation of Self-Realization

A self-realization refers to the spiritual meditation that is connected to the divine power; it is mostly quiet. Therefore, self-realization is a process where a human being realizes her real self.

15. Explanation of Satchidanandasa

 Satchidanandasa is a compound three-word meaning, knowledge, being, and bliss. The word is used in devotion to describe the nature of Brahman as experienced by a devotee.

16. Explanation of the Bodies in Hindu

There are three types of bodies in Hindu: (Karan) casual bodies for those who are not liberated. The other bodies are Sukshma (psychological) and Sthul (gross) which are intimately associated and are contained within the Karan body.

17. Explanation of Chakras

Chakras refer to wheel like features, which according to ancient Indian medicine are said to exist in the surface of the enteric double of a man. There are forces of energy coming from a point on a person’s physical body.

18. The performance of Chakra healing

Chakra healing is a process where chakra stones are used in healing therapy. Natural healing begins with balancing your chakras. The balancing is a whole system of personal healing.

19. Explanation of Sri Aurobindo and his impact on Hinduism

 Sri Aurobindo was that Indian nationalist extremist leader, poet, and philosopher. He abandoned his fundamental political activities and developed religious teachings, which would benefit all men spiritually. He changed Hinduism by proposing an integral devotion that would not be made through spiritual abandonment from the world but through transforming worldly human life here in the person and the community.

20. Explanation of Father Bede Griffiths

Father Bede Griffiths was a monk who later became a priest he adopted the trappings of Hindu monastic life and later entered into dialogue with Hinduism, he wrote twelve books on this.

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