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Hanna is a plump phone sex worker and a clandestine songster for Ammy who is a pop singer. She hides behind Ammys performances and does make a recording of all her compositions. She is humiliated during her birthday by Ammy in front of the music company director; Sang-jun with absolute ignorance of the fact that she was at logger heads with the director. She turns out to cry in the bathroom and overhears the director ask Ammy to be lenient to her so that she might not walk on them. As she tried to commit suicide she is interrupted by a sex customer’s phone call that happens to be a recognized plastic surgeon. After their meeting she makes a decision to have a plastic surgery a thing that the doctor initially declines to partake but Hanna threatens to blackmail him for the telephone calls he made to her. However, She makes a moving speech and the surgeon agrees to operate on her.       

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After a year in seclusion has she nursed the variations in new life she come out incredible; gorgeous and willowy. No one recognizes her and she changes the name to Jenny. She lands a recording deal with Sang-jun who claims she is all natural. She is emotionally engaged to the music director and Ammy at last realizes Jenny is a disguised Hanna. Through the lyrics written by Jenny, Sang-jun to realize Jenny is Hanna in disguise and when he asks if the guest attending the launch of her music career was her guest she denies any knowledge of him and he is pulled way and falls. Still Jenny does not lift him up and Sang-jun does it. After the concert, he levels that he knows the true identity and she breaks down but still sends away Sang-jun claiming he broke her heart. On a concert later, she is moved by the security mishandling of her father and reveals she is the real Hanna and not Jenny. People don’t believe but after the whole story they acknowledge her and she began a new life as a musician.

After watching this film I was moved to see the realities that are surrounding Hanna and the great motive of having the plastic surgery. It is out of desperation that the lady has engaged herself in phone sex employment because Ammy and Sang-jun did not give her the recognition that is paramount to human hood. I tried to put my self in her shoes and I found that there was no any other reasonable way of undertaking the task shameful experiences she was subjected to other than walking way and threatening to blackmail the surgeon if he fails to partake the surgery. Desperate times ask for desperate measures and both Hanna and the Surgeon are left with no any other alternatives other than doing the extraordinary.

The plastic surgery option was better for Hanna because it helped her regain what she did not have at first. She became beautiful and slender and was fit to work in the music industry. What else that she could have done to make her fit in the scope was not an option and I settled in the same ideology as “Jenny”. Through a year process Hanna came out of the hospital as Jenny an American from California USA. She is changed and admired; I thing I too did as I watched her saunter stealthily into the world of music, drama and success as an artist. The plastic surgery wasn’t a raw deal and it influenced her position in the society as opposed to the prior segregated and undermined background lib sync in Ammys concerts. The film has made it possible for the realization of stigma that Hanna in disguise was out after avoidance to fight against and the acceptance by the audience. It is a thrilling, captivating and touchy film that revolves around a poor Hanna misfortunes and body form that is disheartening to a greater magnitude.

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