Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning


The process of market segmentation implies a division of the existing and potential customers into groups according to their similar wishes and needs. Additionally, it can be the first stage of a Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning (STP) process (Mind tools editorial team, n.d.). The market conditions of today require the stakeholders’ readiness to adjust to the fast changes, implement them into their everyday activity, and retain resourcefulness in various situations.

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The Planet Fitness market segmentation is expected to meet the demands of the wide range of clients. According to the “bases of segmentation,” demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors have to be regarded as a complex system (Chand, n.d.). Indeed, for an effective marketing strategy that uses customers’ interest and involvement, the consideration of only age and gender may be insufficient. For example, the advertisement with a shy woman watching the young and thin girls’ conversation shows that psychological factors may be even more significant while choosing a gym.

An analysis of the critique video reveals that some of the arguments it offers against visiting Planet Fitness seem to be far-fetched. For example, the price policies of every organization are created with the aim to attract clients. With this purpose in mind, they try to offer as many bonuses and additional services as they can. Therefore, the advertisements are composed to inform customers about the facilities where one can relax after training, such as sauna and pool, or receive body care, such as massage and aromatherapy, without confusing people.

In conclusion, lately, market segmentation strategies in modern companies are built using the principles of not offending. The gender, race, ethnicity, weight, height, and all the other parameters are not judged. Everyone willing may come to the Planet Fitness, or any other similar club, if he or she does not have health restrictions.

Target Market Strategies

The general targeting approaches, which are applied after the market segmentation is completed, are undifferentiated, concentrated, and multi-segment ones. The undifferentiated approach defines a single big market philosophy. It has the benefit of price availability for a great number of consumers. However, it lowers the company’s competitive opportunities and the products’ value. Almost every mass-market company uses undifferentiated strategy. The concentrated approach is adopted to meet the demands of a chosen market segment, and with an appropriate management, the company may earn a strong positions in it. Finally, the multi-segment targeting requires high investment of the money and resources. Thereby, it can provide a number of high-quality goods and services for the elaborately determined part of the market (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2009). Companies with a wide range of products that target various groups of customers can be an example of the multi-segment strategy.

Duluth Trading Company presents itself as a comfortable, close to people and their needs organization. The advertisements show that Duluth is ready to solve the problem of overly tight and short clothes for men and women. The company’s targeting approach may be defined as concentrated. They offer qualitative and useful products but choose quite a narrow market segment for their advertisement. Thus, people who have the described problem of inconvenient clothing will be likely to pay attention to the Duluth products.


The company’s positioning at the market has a significant influence on its general perception by the existing and potential clients. Together with segmentation and targeting strategy, positioning constitutes the “face” of the organization, which can be observed by everyone interested (Lamb et al., 2009). The information could be formal, delivered as an advertisement or via a website, and informal, in the shape of reviews or spread by word of mouth.

The slogan of the Under Armour Commercial advertisement is the phrase “We must protect this house.” The company positions itself as a reliable partner in the videos and other marketing channels. The Under Armour’s image calls for the feelings of pride and inspiration, which requires consistency for the marketing to succeed. Indeed, the company seems to support its positioning with their respectable work.

Gatorade with their “before, during, and after” catchphrase promotes a feeling of constant need for the beverage during a physical activity. The series of products in the advertisement positions the Gatorade manufacturer as a totally sports-friendly company. Since the matter of sports is tightly connected with the matter of health, Gatorade does not forget to maintain the image of a healthy, hardy, and strong athlete, who drink the beverage.

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