Implementing TQM in IBM Company


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Total quality management, TQM is an important aspect of large multinational companies used in management. The TQM philosophy for management is a comprehensive procedure, structured within the organization such that there is improved quality on services and products. This is achieved through continuous processes of refinement to get feedback generated every day. The requirements are different between organizations. This follows the standards laid down by international organizations like the ISO 900 Company. The TQM can be applied and succeed in any company.

According to Berry (1991), TQM is defined as the actual process of corporate world that deals with meeting necessary requirements of customers’ experience and expectation, then reducing the costs associated with company’s poor quality significantly. This is achieved through employing a unique system of management and business culture. The core values which the company and in particular the IBM include in its TQM are leadership in management, commitment, involving the internal employees of the company, collaborating well with suppliers and a continuous improvement. This helps to manage the company so that it could realize excellence. It is important to study total quality management in this thesis paper because of the following reasons.

By getting information on TQM, the IBM will ensure their products and services are of high quality. The primary considerations the company employs to give good quality include good performances, durable products and reliability. The use of quality management program in IBM will at the end release products which satisfy the client needs in the market.

In addition, the study of TQM is an important aspect that helps to satisfy clients. The basic research done on customer satisfactions based on the local surveys will ensure that IBM Company knows the quality of service and products manufactured. It is also important to include surveys done on people who are not necessarily company’s clients. This will help in getting an oversight on why potential IBM customers prefer to use a competitor’s products and services.

By getting to learn and implement on the TQM at the IBM, there is an automatic increase in sales, thus additional revenues. This is important in retaining reputation among competitors. With a good reputation, there are new clients buying IBM products. Good managing processes will remove inefficiencies in the company. With the removal of unethical processes, the productivity in the employee production automatically shoots up. An employee will produce more within a short time, while working for the same salary. The best TQM programs bring lost monies back, since there is efficiency (Choisne, Kumar, Grosbois 2008).

 By using   TQM in IBM, the process enables people to work as a team in departments. Each department relies on the others to ensure there is quality and satisfaction to clients. This is achieved by implementing measures that trigger positive effects of the operations, sales, finance, marketing and client relations.

There is reduced waste in company’s resources. All inventory prices are built on the product prices, thus reducing operation costs. The successful organizations have realised that TQM will help to monitor performances, thus reduce unwanted costs. In the end, the company achieves its clients’ satisfaction (Hackes 1991).

Research Questions, Objectives and Aims the Report

In order to get the TQM implementation at IBM company, several questions done on research, specific objectives and the aims of getting the report right were answered.

The Questions

  • What is TQM?
  • What are the benefits of implementing TQM in IBM Company, to the management and employees in general?
  • Who is to carry out and lead the TQM implementation in the company?
  • Is there any resistance from current managers and employees, relating to the loss of jobs at IBM?
  • What are the conclusions made after the study?

The Objectives and Aims of the Report

Though the overall study on the implementation of the project are varied, the main objective of coming up with the report is to change the way management style is done for years, and using the TQM philosophy of efficient management to turn revenues around and satisfy the client’s needs without complains.

Data Collection and IBM Profile

In order to succeed in the implementation of total quality management at IBM, a simple research and data collection methods need to be analyzed, both internally and externally for clients, employees and managers of IBM by filling a simple questionnaire. In addition, the word of mouth while interacting with clients and employees is important to get extra information.

Company Profile

IBM is an IT company dating back to 19th century with headquarters in New York. It specializes in selling hardware and software. It also provides infrastructure services, web hosting and IT consultancy. It is known to be the largest system integrators and computing company, with various research laboratories all over the world. It employs engineers, scientists, sales and consultants totaling to 1,600 people in one plant.

Analyzing the Implementation of TQM at IBM

To make analysis on the IBMs total quality management, the first major point was to find out how clients see and view it. These include product performances worldwide. The analysis found that clients were never satisfied 100%. Improvement to packaging and making it necessary for IBM products to be integrated with others, including competitors, had to be done after research. To solve this, a big team composing of managers had to be incorporated in the research. The plan involved educating employees and company suppliers (Hackes 1991).

Good Supplier Relationships

One aspect IBM Company had to implement within a short time based on TQM philosophy is to have better and closer relationships with suppliers. This is to source concepts for the provision of inputs that will help in satisfying what client needs.

In addition, implementation of TQM philosophy was to undergo a benchmark for research while making sure that company practices were at a very competitive stage among competitors.

Through training both internally and externally, IBM TQM principle involves solving  problems by employing necessary skills to solve the problem, incorporation various team skills like engineers and general mangers charged with overseeing the company runs smoothly (Winter 2000).

The top recommendation to implement TQM philosophy at IBM Company involves incorporating new reporting systems and measurements. Since the implementation needs time for it to be effective, several changes had to be implemented. These include harmonizing all PMs within the company, introducing new tools for measurements and a continuous focus aimed at checking improvements made and targeted goals for TQM implementation. In addition, this has to involve developing new process and result measures within the plan. In conclusion, the main findings during the research and implementation are to know how exactly newly implemented measures and the system in general had the impact in management style. This has to be in line with the companies’ tradition of management, which must be phased out gradually to make sure that workers and managers become accustomed to what is happening.

Summary for TQM Project at IBM

In order to implement the findings and project fully, the study initiative was based on changing needs and demands on the client side. Competition from various companies in Far East is a major concern that has brought negative flows in the business. This means the company’s decision to make an evaluation of its business relations and help clients to achieve goals (Hackes 1991).

A case study on IBM plant in Rochester came up with several examinations of implementing TQM in the department of finance. Here, four detailed models on operation of finance are made. These include inputs made like identifying clients and policies, the general processes like data assembling and analyzing outputs done like integrations, status quo and finally, measurement done on client satisfactions. Its outcome involves solutions for managers to make efforts and improve services and operating processes, coming up with long-term plans for the IBM Company and turning top managers from the role of auditors and inspectors, to facilitators and functional team members to realize all the TQM needs (Young, Lowe, and Kirkman 1999).

Recommendations of the Report to Improve Efficiency

When implementing TQM philosophies for efficient management with a company like IBM, it is highly recommended that the process becomes gradual. With this, it becomes possible to get information on how these concepts can be employed by top managers for the benefit of IBM. It is thus important to involve six concepts. These include internal and external customers, continuous improvement of the company department, controlling the IBM  business process streamlining the preventive management functions, having an ongoing action to prevent bad policies through TQM and then making sure that the company policies are reflected in the teamwork as well as the leadership from the employers, employees and the end users ( Hackes 1991).

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