Farm Boy

For a long time Farm Boy grocery store has been a sufficient market participant. It has a wide and developed chain of stores. Its uniqueness lies in its product and service concept. However, the company should decide whether its strong adherence to traditions is a part of company’s competitive advantage contributing to Farm Boy’s business prosperity.

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Farm Boy pays a great attention to a product and service quality. It does not follow the modern trend to have a minimum needed quality level and to sell more.  Its care about the name and customers needs is outstanding. Therefore, Farm Boy’s advantages are products quality, wide range of self made fresh products and personal approach to customer.

Moreover, Farm Boy appeals for gourmets and other people who care what to eat and how. The customers, who prefer organic food, can satisfy their needs here. Of course, modern lifestyle and shopping habits demand fast shopping and people would like to buy everything they need at one place.  However, Farm Boy is a best solution for the families and singles, which are ready to spend their time on buying food of proper quality.

Farm Boy has good chances to stay ahead of the competition in the long-term. However, a range of measures might need additional support for developing. According to Laura Pratt (2005) only one percent of company’s gross sales are devoted to marketing activities. Farm Boy needs to increase its marketing budget and promote its stores more intensively to become successful. It should apply word-of-mouth (WOM) promotion and radio advertisement altogether with the Internet, social media, TV advertisement.

Farm Boy’s stores have a special spirit and sense of taste. However, the company should pay more attention to the modern marketing sales and promotion instruments. Furthermore, the combination of a good old food tradition and modern advertising experience can make a great match. As a result, it will bring success in the market for Farm Boy in future. 

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