Steve Jobs

Early Life

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Steven Paul Jobs was born to Joan Schieble and Syrian born Abdulfattah Jandali on the 24 of February 1955 at San Francisco. Both were students in the University of Wisconsin, and were unmarried. Joan’s parents did not approve Jandali due to his Islamic religion and racial origin. Joan’s parents forced them to give up the baby immediately it was born for adoption. Steve Jobs’ real parents remarried, and gave birth to a daughter, Mona Simpson, and later divorced. Paul Jobs and his wife Clara Hagopian adopted the baby, and named him Steven Paul Jobs (Isaacson 2011).


After the adoption, the Jobs family moved from San Francisco to California and adopted another child, Patti. Clara taught young Jobs how to read basic words before he went to school. Meanwhile, Paul Jobs worked in an industry that specialized in electronics, and taught his son how to work on the electronics using his hands. Jobs attended Monta Loma Elementary school, and proceeded to Cupertino Junior High school. Later, he joined Homestead High School located in Cupertino. He worked at Hewlett-Packard Company where he met Steve Wozniak, a computer guru. After graduating from high school, Jobs enrolled at Oregon’s Reed College and dropped out of college. He was collecting and selling empty cans and bottles of Coke for a living as he enrolled for calligraphy courses.

Professional Life

In 1974, Jobs worked with Atari, a video game designer but left to seek spiritual enlighten in India. In 1976, Jobs and Wozniak started Apple Computers at Job’s family garage. Jobs sold his bus while Wozniak sold his scientific calculator in a bid to raise funds to support the venture. They made smaller, cheaper, and more accessible machines for daily use (Griggs 2010). Apple I, was the first model; while Apple II catapulted computer sales to $140 million prompting the listing of Apple Computers in the New York Stock Exchange. Jobs recruited John Scully to be Apple’s President. After several manufacturing flaws and emerging competition from IBM, sales dropped. Scully convinced the executives that it was Job’s fault. Hageman (2010) wrote that, in 1985, Jobs left Apple to start NeXT Inc., a company that specialized in hardware and software production. In 1986, Jobs purchased George Lucas’s animation company, and created Pixar Animation Studios. Animation films like Finding Nemo, and the Toy Story made a $4 million profit for the company. In 2006, Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney merged, and Jobs became Disney’s greatest shareholder (Gallo 2010).

In 1997, Apple bought NeXT Inc., and Jobs became the CEO of Apple. Jobs put in place a novel management team, changed stock options as he earned an annual salary of one dollar. He stylishly designed and produced the iMac, used effective branding tactics, and finally caught the attention of consumers (Markoff 2011).

Other Innovations

According to Beahm (2011), Jobs helped Apple to design Air, iPhone and the iPod machines that have given direction in today’s technology. These innovations changed the usage of technology in the world (British Broadcasting Corporation 1992).These innovations led to the appreciation of Apple shares, and in 2007 Apple had $18 billion stashed in the account. In 2008, Apple came up with iTunes to boost music sales making it the second-largest music retailer after Wal-Mart. His contributions have changed the world (Editors of Time 2011).

Personal Life and Family

In 2003, Jobs developed a pancreatic tumour but tried to use vegetarian diet while thinking of Eastern treatment. A year later, he underwent surgery to remove the tumour but disclosed very scanty information about his health. Jobs wrote an internal memo, and announced a leave of absence as Tim Cook took over as Apple’s CEO.

At the tender age of 23, Job had fathered a daughter during his brief courtship with Chrisann Brennan, although he denied the issue claiming that he was sterile. After court proceeding, he lived with his daughter. Some news sources claim that Jobs could have met his father without knowing it, but there was no formal meeting between the two (Quigley 2011).

Job married Laurene Powell in 1991, and lived in Palo Alto, California. The couple had three grown children. As of September this year, Jobs was worth $7 billion, making it to the list of one of the richest people in the world.

Jobs passed on at his California residence on October 5, 2011 (Young and Simona 2010).His remains were interred in a Californian Cemetery.

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