Recommendation for Technology Plan: High School Case Study

Need for Separate Database and Data Warehouse

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The first reason for the school to adopt separate databases lies in the assumption that it would allow the proper levels of security for data. The high school will need separate databases in order to reduce the risk of losing significant students’ information. This is because such databases perform the function of back-up for every operational activity within the system. Secondly, the separate database is necessary because it would reduce the amount of time used to access the information, and thus the system would operate at a time-saving speed (Miller, 2000).

This is the opposite of the situation where students’ information and other relevant data are stored within single databases. In cases of intense access of the database by numerous user- parties, there is the possibility for the system to get obstructed and fail to provide the necessary information on time. This situation might cause the inefficiency on the part of the database (Miller, 2000).

Thirdly, the school needs to adopt the separate database, since it would give the user the assurance of easy repair and maintenance. This is associated with the adoption of a broken-down transactional approach so that in case of a break down, restoration takes effect immediately, while the order entry and facilitated systems remain online. Subsequently, the significance of transactional activity is maintained at all levels.

In addition, the school needs to adopt a separate database in case it is ascertained that the process of database reporting requires the correlation of outcomes, not only from the current application database, but also from the other relevant ones which are placed externally. The rectification of information, as well as the additional data, can be performed easily in this manner.

Furthermore, the school needs a separate data warehouse in order to enclose challenges associated with the lack of flexibility for adding and removing sources from the data storage facility. For this reason, data owners are protected from losing control over their data as well as assure them of information privacy in that matter. It should be noted that unlike separate data warehouses and databases, single-whole databases direct data to be static and outdated (Whamtech, 2009).

In addition to that, the school needs to adopt different database and data warehouse given that they allow easy monitoring process and thus, data changes can be effected in a real-time approach. The need for effective monitoring is relevant in cutting down on costs of maintaining the entire system (Whamtech, 2009).

Advantages of Mobile Wireless Network over Wired Network

There are different distinctive reasons given for wireless network over wired network. Firstly, it offers greater levels of mobility in comparison to wired network. This is associated with the fact that mobile personal computers are not obligated to be connected to Ethernet forms of cable like the case of a wired network. This freedom assures them of immense levels of mobility, especially within the Wider Local Area Network range (Pace University, 2009).

Secondly, it is ascertained that setting up a WAP and configuring a WNIC, using a ready available wireless connection resource within the range of the computer device is relatively easy (Bradley, 2010). On the other hand, wired networks require different equipments and devices in order to allow the internet connection. Wired networks require Ethernet form of cables, distinct hubs, as well as operational switches in order to conduct a set-up. This is an expensive affair since it involves additional overhead costs such as connection charges from connection experts.

Thirdly, wireless networks are considered to be tidy and environmental friendly. This is associated with the assumption that fewer or no cables are required in order to provide the connection capability. In a wireless network environment, fewer hazardous situations are created, since the operating environment remains steady and clear of cables and hubs that might cause accidents. Furthermore, whenever a wireless network is selected as a viable option, one does not need to put up with such secondary forms of infrastructure as drilled holes across the walls and ceilings, in order to transmit cables for connectivity purposes (Pace University, 2009).

Also, unlike a wired network where cables are needed to be connected within two or more computers and thus the process consumes much time, in a wireless network, the connection is instant and the only thing required is a router(Pace University, 2009).

Wireless network connection is considered to be convenient on a day-to-day operational basis. This means that users can access the service once it is ascertained that everything is working properly and the access is not limited. This aspect decreases the connectivity costs altogether.

Unlike wired networks, where reliability is dependent on the surrounding infrastructure and thus can cause immense levels of interference, as well as witness challenges associated with quality, wireless network provides a reliable network connection irrespective of the presence of other electrical devices. Hence, it is certain that the problems attributed to delays as well as disconnections which are detrimental in losing significant information become contained within this network (Pace University, 2009).

Impact of a wireless network on the educational process.

Implementation of the wireless network facility across the school assures improved levels of educational information and student-to-student collaborations as well as student-to-teacher interaction. Thus, students are able to interact and collaborate in the course of study in distinct and efficient approach. There is the possibility of students utilizing the course management system in a more effective way. Furthermore, there is the likelihood of students conducting extensive online research, as well as maintain contacts through social sites as MySpace and Twitter.

With the wireless network structure the school safety and security should be increased. This is associated with the fundamental fact that there will be a significant improvement in monitoring and controlling of video surveillance facilities, deemed to be resourceful in maintaining a favorable environment for studying.

Wireless network in the school is also significant in improving activities of recruitment and retention of students. This means that the facility is able to attract larger volume of students and retain the existing ones since there is a guarantee of quality levels of education.

Recommendation Plan.

The high school should consider the following recommendations, in order to conduct effective education process:

  1. It should provide financial resources in order to set up a wireless network, since it is effective and reliable in providing quality levels of education.
  2. The school should also set aside financial resources, as well as expertise, in order to develop a separate database system given that it is efficient and favorable in providing efficient transactional and monitoring capacities. Costs, in return, are cut down immensely.
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