People Management 2

Activity 1

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People management is at times referred to as human resource management. People are the most important asset in the organisation and their attitude and performance are the prerequisites for success or failure of an organisation (Mathis & Jackson, 2003 and Gilmore & Williams, 2009).  The formal relations between people and the firm are defined by the organisation structure. Organisation culture is the collective behavior and attitude of people in an organisation that drives teamwork within the firm. It includes the vision, values, systems, language, assumption, habits and beliefs (Stone, 2002). Cultural motivations determine the mode of informal interaction in the firm. Thus, structure and culture of the organisation is very important in determining the action, attitude of the employee in order to reflect on the performance required in the organisation (Dessler, 2000).

The people’s management’s tasks include hiring, training, motivating, inspiring, evaluating and rewarding. In advanced levels, the manager is required to compensate on their losses, develop their skills, increase safety, improve the benefits and enhance communication. Different people have different abilities and personal efforts determine the quality of performance of the team (Mondy, Noe, & Gowan, 2005). While an organisation want to manage the people within it, the management must emphasis on hiring the right people and getting the best from the recruitment process.

New employees must provide the organisation with the best talent that the business need. With the right employee in place, the managers can focus on understanding the personal traits of an individual and direct the employee to the right performance direction with minimal efforts. The right management style to deal with the individual behavioral differences is permissive where leaders allow the subordinates to participate in making decisions with considerable amount of autonomy for completing their routine activities at work (Dahlgaard, & Linko%u0308pings universitet, 2001)..

Activity 2

Leadership entails all activities that involves being able to influence others by behaviors and personal attributes (Luthans, 1977). Various qualities of leadership maybe required at different circumstances for different purposes of the organisation activities. In order to lead an effective team in an organisation, effective leadership must be practiced in order to transform the team. Effective leadership team facilitates performance in the team and improves productivity.

Flexible working practices to an organisation or an individual is necessary to allow for a leader to adjust in different conditions.  According to Wlodkowski and Ginsberg (1995), the organisation management should ensure that there is an effective working environment in the firm. This helps in motivating employees in increasing performance. The organisation ethical practices is an important determinant to motivation and some effective organizations make use corporate social responsibility to create motivation within the firm.

Activity 3

Motivation theories can be applied in human resource management organisation. It is a very important asset and most vital in motivating employees to improve performance, maximizing profits and achieving the corporate success. The concept of the theories defines motivation to provide a cutting edge for organisation expectancy and efficiency.  In order to effectively apply motivation theories, the concept of coaching and performance motivation must be well-known in the organisation motivation program (Kitching, Blackburn & Great Britain, 2002). For a new employee in a firm, orientation and training often help the employee in familiarizing with the tasks and organisation structure and culture making it easier to adapt with the firm.

Activity 4

There exists various people management strategies used in different organizations. The strategies depend on the function of the firm and the department involved. People management strategy depends on what a manager expects from an organisation and the team involved. These strategies include; selection and recruitment, training and development, management of performance, rewarding and recognition and employee involvement (Gibson, Ivancevich & Donnelly, 1991). The most effective strategy to a firm is employee engagement because the decision made is based on a mutual agreement between the manager and the employee. Thus they are always willing to work harder and effortlessly to achieve the set target (Robbins & Judge, 2007). I would recommend every firm to involve their employees in setting targets for the organisation.

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