Peace Conceptualized

Peace is usually the period in which there is now war or any other kind of hostilities. It refers to the moment in life where people enjoy freedom from chaos and disagreements which is marked by harmonious relationships between people Dugan, M. (2003. The absence of war between people can also be termed as peace. Peace also refers to a time when someone is free from any kind of strife. In addition, peace refers to the stillness, serenity and silence that exist between people in a particular moment in their life. We can also talk of peace in a particular country when we refer to the time when the people living there abide by law and order.

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Peace usually has several attributes. One of the attributes of peace is lack of war. For there to be peace, there should not be war or even any kind of hostility. Serenity, silence and stillness are also other attributes peace Portilla, J. (2004). Another attribute of peace is harmony that prevails between people who are peacefully living together. Peace is also characterized by adherence to law and order in a society. The major focus of peace in a society is to terminate war and hostility in that particular society. According to Rinehart, M. (1995), peace is also characterized by tranquility and concord in a particular society peace must be in agreement with one another for them to live in peace. Peace in the world reflects law and order and a state of the absence of war in that particular society. Peace is historically seen as the presence of law and order in the society.

There are several approaches to bring about peace in a society. According to Christine D et al, (2008), different approaches are followed in the efforts to bring about peace. First, people have to ensure that they observe law and order to avoid causing conflicts that are the main cause of war. Countries can also embark on ensuring peace in the nation by providing job opportunities that allow people to live in harmony with one another. More so, governments can also employ people like the police to ensure law and order that contribute to peace. Peace helps in conflict resolution in the society. When people are in conflict, it means that there is no peace between them. When peace is ensured between people, conflicts are terminated. Therefore peace is very essential in conflict resolution. 

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