Evidence Based Teaching


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Evidence based teaching is a form of teaching which involves the incorporation of specialized acumen with the most excellent existing practical proof. This incorporation is aimed at fashioning verdicts regarding the manner in which instruction is delivered. A number of educationalists concur with the fact that the proof or evidence ought to be objective and valid. Additionally, it ought to be dependable, methodical and referred. On the other hand, the methodically based study implies the study that engrosses the application of thorough processes so as to attain dependable and legitimate facts which are pertinent to instructive actions and programs. The incorporation of practitioner know-how with the most excellent existing research proof is basically the realistic application of evidence-based teaching. Normally, the practitioner is charged with the responsibility of shaping or determining if the exact teaching is generating the preferred outcomes or not (Lim and Matthews, 2006).

The process of looking for effectual programs started a number of decades ago. In the middle of Nineteen hundred and sixties, various researches were conducted regarding evidence-based teaching. These researches were aimed at discovering the most effective evidence-based teaching methods. These researches established that no particular evidence-based technique is superior. Another research was conducted by the National Clearinghouse concerning evidence-based teaching. This research indicated that various evidence-based teaching methods ought to be employed in particular learning instances (Lim and Matthews, 2006).

In this paper, I shall discuss importance of evidence-based teaching styles. Second, I will discuss useful evidence. Third, I shall discuss human resource training and development. Last, I will discuss the importance of Evidence-based teaching in various professions.

Importance of Evidence-based Teaching Styles

Evidence-based teaching is typically swayed by the student’s prevailing knowledge. Once this knowledge is stimulated, the student stands at a better position of digesting novel information. Evidence-based teaching enables a student to link novel information with formerly acquired facts. As a result, it enhances the likelihood of a triumphant erudition/learning experience and retention. Our brains basically create sense by associating novel theories to the prevailing information. The prevailing information is usually stored inside the neutral network. Information regarding a definite theory is typically stockpiled in diverse segments of our brains. Accordingly, theories that don’t have numerous connections with the manner in which a person visualizes objects or animals have a higher chance of not being retained in the brain. This means that there is a high likelihood that these theories will not being remembered in the future. For instance, in the study of the theory of a Cheater, its color may possibly be preserved in 1 location of a human brain. On the other hand, the sound of the Cheater may possibly be stored in another segment of the brain. The upshot is that the numerous connections make the information to be further memorable. Additionally, they make the information to be valuable. This is attributable to the fact that the act of thinking about Cheater makes multiple neurons to fire mutually. As a result, the procedure of stockpiling and also regaining information is well enhanced.

There are various forms of evidence-based teaching styles. The first form is to engage the student actively. A student ought to be an active participant. This increases his/her concentration and even focus. There are various methods of making the learner to engage actively. They comprise discovery-based learning and writing. The act of making a learner to turn out to be an active participant implies that the learner is performing the job of erudition or studying.  There are a number of practical erudition activities which integrate concrete objects. These objects may possibly be investigated via sight, smell and more. Therefore, each and every student can gain considerably from tangible instances while studying objects that are novel.

The second form of evidence-based teaching style is explicit coaching. As much as this form of teaching is concerned, the educator describes the task visibly. Additionally, he or she exhibits the task. On the other hand, the student performs the task. The student is expected to give frequent response(s). Next, he or she practices the task autonomously. It is apparent that with this form of effective learning, the learner comprehends accurately what to perform. The upshot is that the student ends up mastering the skill.

The third form of evidence-based teaching style is scaffolding instruction. As much as scaffolding instruction is concerned, it offers a link between what the learner discerns and what he or she is studying. Upon the successful delivery of explicit coaching, the educator ought to employ scaffolding training. This form of effective learning is split into several phases. The 1st phase is that the educator ought to model or exhibit the task. The second phase is that the educator ought to guide the practice. This implies that the educator and the learner ought to split the duty of finishing the task. The learner has an obligation of practicing the skill. Contrastingly, the educator offers support and response. The third and ultimate phase is the independence practice. In this phase, the leaner is accountable for the task. This form of teaching offers both response and direction. As a result, higher rates of success are achieved.

The fourth form of evidence-based teaching style is differentiated instruction. This form of teaching is rooted on a collection of concepts and practices. It offers a technique of dealing with learner disparities inside the similar class. Additionally, it offers a variety of alternatives and chances for learners to study the information. This type of teaching necessitates educator suppleness. Therefore, the educator is able to execute an educational approach. This approach discerns that 1 dimension doesn’t fit all. There are 3 key components of teaching that may possibly be differentiated. They include first of all, the content. This means what’s to be studied. The second component of teaching that should be differentiated is the procedure. It implies the manner in which it is to be studied. The third and ultimate component is the product. It implies the manner in which mastery is exhibited.

The first objective of differentiated teaching is the manner of training. However, the how is largely reliant on the knowledge of each and every learner. The second objective of this form of teaching is to develop a learning setting that is conducive for every learner. The third and ultimate objective of this form of evidence-based teaching is to devise a suitable syllabus. Additionally, differentiated teaching integrates demonstrated theories. The first demonstrated theory is readiness for a task. The second theory is that a student ought to be a dynamic participant. The third theory is to coach at the learner’s level. The last and ultimate theory is to cluster the learners during training (Tomlinson, 2006).

The fifth form of evidence-based teaching style is strategy instruction. Strategies may possibly comprise game plans. Normally, strategies are employed in order to enhance learning. A number of learners utilize tactics automatically. Contrastingly, several learners require to be trained on the manner of using the strategies. There are several types of strategies which can be effectively employed in teaching. It should be borne in mind that the different kinds of strategies are pertinent in diverse circumstances. The first kind of strategy is self-monitoring strategies. These strategies typically necessitate a learner to pose queries for instance, “Am I really on assignment?” The second kind of strategy is Meta-cognitive strategies.  These strategies enhance the usage of queries for instance, “Do I actually comprehend the assignment?” The third form of strategy is specific strategies. These strategies entail the usage of 1st letter mnemonic. As a result, the student is able to remember information for a long period of time. The mnemonic HOMES for instance represent Great Lakes. These Lakes include Huron, Ontario and Michigan. Other Lakes include Erie and Superior.

The sixth form of evidence-based teaching style is advanced organizers. They are basically means of enabling the learner to understand the assignment. In achieving this, the educator offers a synopsis of a large ‘picture’. The educators ought to utilize metaphors. The function of these metaphors is to assist the students to hook up novel information to the prevailing knowledge. The second kind of advance organizers is the learner/educator produced queries. The third kind of advanced organizers is the graphic organizer. As much as this kind of advance organizer is concerned, the teacher provides the learners with graphics. Alternatively, the learners may possibly be required to split a paper into 3 columns. Next, they are supposed to write above each paper. In the 1st column, they are supposed to write Know (K). In the second column, they are supposed to Want to Know (W). Lastly, in the third column, they ought to write Learned (L). The educator ought to instruct the learners to write what they discern as far as the subject is concerned in the 1st column. This stage is aimed at activating previous facts. In the second column, the learners ought to write whatever they’d wish to learn about the subject.  Subsequent to the conclusion of the lesson, the educator ought to compel the students to write whatever they have learned in the 3rd column. This stage is aimed at improving their summary skills. The educator can also instruct his/her students to generate a 4th column. In this column, the students ought to generate the graphic K-W-L-Plus. They should record more information concerning the topic/subject in the fourth column (Tomlinson, 2006).

The seventh form of evidence-based teaching style is higher-order thinking skills. It involves assisting the learners to think profoundly concerning the information. This form of teaching is also aimed at eliminating cramming. Profound thinking permits a student to be actively engaged in the assignment. Unfortunately, various researches that have been conducted by various scholars have shown that educators engage learners in activities that necessitate higher-order thinking skills in less than one percent of the time. Therefore, it is important for the concerned stakeholders to put more effort so as to ensure that this form of effective teaching style is implemented in our institutions of learning. Learners ought to be offered with several chances. This will permit them to be actively engaged in this kind of thinking.

The eighth evidence-based teaching style is feedback. As much as this form of teaching is concerned, learning is improved when the student has the chance of articulating notions and obtaining instant responses from the educator. Furthermore, the educator should give the student a chance to deliberate on the response(s). The ninth form of evidence based teaching style is peer-mediated instruction. It is capable of assisting the learner to widen his or her social skills. Specifically, the learners are taught on the manner of working in unison. This permits enhanced learning.

Peer-mediated instruction is broadly categorized into two. The first category is peer tutoring. It involves pairing 2 learners. These learners ought to have either identical or unlike capabilities. This pairing is intended to make the learners to practice skills which had been presented to them previously. The learners assist one another. One of the main advantages of peer tutoring is that a more knowledgeable learner will assist and observe the performance of a less knowledgeable learner. Several types of peer tutoring exist. They include Cross- age tutoring and peer- assisted learning strategies. Another type of peer tutoring is reciprocal peer tutoring.

The second category of peer-mediated is cooperative learning. This form of teaching involves factions of learners. These groups/factions are usually 3 or more. The groups have different ability levels. The learners work on various factions which are characteristically small on assignments they’re projected to assist one another learn. The most excellent results are linked with cooperative study factions that necessitate personal answerability so as to earn the faction a prize. One of the advantages of cooperative learning is that it permits escalated societal acceptance of those students who usually don’t perform well by those students who perform well (Lim and Matthews, 2006).

Useful Evidence

Science-based courses require a student to perform numerous experiments. These experiments are aimed at guiding the educational verdicts. However, it should be borne in mind that useful trial/experimental evidence necessitates a number of conditions. The initial condition is that the topics are arbitrarily allocated to not less than 1 experiment. Moreover, they are allocated as a similarity treatment. The act of arbitrarily allocating topics ensures that personal disparities amongst the students are uniformly distributed. The second condition is that there are 2 lesson versions which are alike in each and every respect. Every lesson in an experiment has precisely identical words. Moreover, it has identical graphics. The process of making lessons constant ensures that disparities in learning results are credited to the trial variable. The curriculum of most science-based courses is planned in such a manner that students are tested subsequent to the completion of the lesson. Normally, this kind of examination serves as a vital constituent of the experiment. It is apparent that several instructional experiments utilize a remembrance examination. As far as this examination is concerned, students ought to write down the information learned in the classroom. However, the students must look for a solution to a particular a question by using the knowledge that was acquired during learning. This is as far as the training of the labor-force within a business or manufacturing organization is concerned. It should be noted that the process of training employees within a business or manufacturing organization involves primarily work-applicable upshots or results. It doesn’t’ involve recall.

Human Resource Training and Development

Human resource may be defined as a major constituent of a business or manufacturing or business organization that enhances its’ assets and staff. This initiative is meant to escalate productivity. Additionally, it is aimed at maintaining the organization’s competitive edge. On the other hand, human capital implies the procedure which is linked to training and education. Human capital is intended to enhance staff’s satisfaction. Additionally, it is aimed at enhancing employees’ performance. The upshot is that an organization’s performance is considerably improved.

There is a research that was conducted in the year two thousand and seven (2007). This research analyzed the link between human resource and performance of software firms. The study established that human resource indicators had a constructive link on a firm’s performance Bontis et al., (2007) also found that an organization’s performance may possibly be classified into 2. The first class is financial performance. It comprises productivity and profitability. The second class is non-financial performance. It comprises client satisfaction and skills development. Additionally, it consists of workflow improvement and innovation. Human resource development within a certain firm is aimed at improving competencies.

The prevailing text on human resource development indicates that an organizational performance is constructively impacted by the availability of human resource practices. The prevailing literature on human resource development also suggests that human resource practices are requirements for first-rate monetary performance in an organization. The human resource training is deemed to influence the performance of technology-based manufacturing enterprises. The success of these organizations is largely dependent on the human resource tool. Therefore there is a need for the institutions of higher learning to produce graduates who are capable of coping with the latest scientific innovations (Shrader and Siegel, 2007). Under normal circumstances, training commences with facts and awareness of the fundamental skills. These skills and facts are acquired via recurrence and also memorization in lecture theatres/classrooms. The second process of training involves application of the facts and skills learned. The third process involves assessment. The main objective of assessment is to gauge the result of teaching. It is important to note that evidence-based training makes the learning process to be effective in the sense that it permits a student to store the information acquired for a long period of time (Werner and DeSimone, 2009).

Importance of Evidence-based Teaching in Various Professions

Several centuries ago, medical analysis and also cure were rooted on equilibrium of the 4 body humors of blood. There was no any harm if the treatment of a particular patient recommended an amulet. Many discoveries have been made in the medical profession over the last couple of centuries that have elapsed. However, it took a long period of time before evidence-based practice could be approved. In the last decades of the 20th century, evidence-based teaching was adopted by a number of professions. Accordingly, the medical vocation was the 1st vocation to approve the integration of evidence within clinical verdicts. In medical profession, evidence-based teaching is described as the precise and sensible usage of prevailing most excellent proof in fashioning verdicts regarding the care of patients. However, other professions adopted evidence-based training. They included social sciences and more. In the year Nineteen hundred and ninety two (1992), the American Psychological Association (APA) suggested that the prevailing medical principles be rooted on two important aspects. These aspects comprise research data and medical expertise. In the year two thousand and six (2006), an article regarding evidence-based practice in psychology was published. This article emphasized the significance of evidence-based psychological practices (Clark, 2010).

Evidence-based training is very important as far as the training of the labor force is concerned. Unfortunately, majority of instructors don’t view their job as having both life and loss upshots. Scores of business and manufacturing enterprises invest a lot of money in labor force training.  In the year Two thousand and eight (2008), our country assigned some one hundred and thirty (130) billion dollars in labor force training. All these investments on human resource teaching are aimed at improving the efficiency of human capital.  Currently, human resource is obtaining broader awareness. This is attributed to the upsurge in globalization. Additionally, it is attributed to the saturation of the job market. The global economic recession of the year two thousand and eight (2008) to two thousand and nine (2009) has to a large extent contributed to the growing concern on human capital development. Industrialized nations of the world such as USA and China stress on further human resource development. Additionally, third world countries emphasize on more human capital development. This is due to the fact that human capital development is known to hasten the fiscal growth of a particular country. It achieves this by dedicating essential time and efforts. As a matter of fact, human resource development is amongst the essential solutions to permeate the intercontinental arena (Clark, 2010).

In the field of medicine, evidence-based teaching is aimed at integrating theory with practice. This permits a student to gain practical experience. Second, this form of teaching is meant to evaluate the proof of threats in the medical profession. Third, this form of teaching discerns the fact that several facets of medical profession rely on personal aspects. An example of an aspect is value of life judgments. Fourth, it sheds light on various theories of the medical profession. As a result, the student is able to understand these theories completely. Fifth, it permits the application of scientific techniques. The upshot is that the most excellent predictions regarding clinical treatments are attainable due to the utilization of evidence-based teaching techniques.

Human resource training is amongst the key foundation for the growth of abilities and skills as far as all the sectors of the economy of a particular country are concerned. The industrialized nations of the world provide training programs for diverse segments of leadership. This initiative is aimed at updating knowledge that was acquired during training. It is also aimed at making better the performance in all sectors of the economy. The importances of Evidence-based teaching in various sectors of our economy are as follows. First of all, it is aimed at bridging the performance gap.

The second importance of evidence-based teaching is that it is intended to gratify the requirements in various sectors of the economy. The third importance of evidence-based teaching is to equip the learner with hands on experience so that he or she can be able to accomplish specific goals of a particular organization once he or she is employed. The fourth importance of evidence-based teaching is that it leads to the growth of both the learners and institutions. Owing to the fact that the students possess a wealth of experience, they are able to contribute effectively towards the growth of an organization (Clark, 2010).

Evidence-based training provides student with the pertinent knowledge as well as skills. Presently, there are widespread scientific innovations in various technical fields. These innovations have led to a transformation in the work opportunity contest. Additionally, they have compelled a number of institutions of learning to restructure their curriculums so as to produce graduates who are capable of confronting the challenges posed by the up -to -date scientific innovations. Most industrialized nations have from time to time been necessitated to reform their education system. These countries have also been obliged to change their training policy. These reforms are intended to meet the challenges posed by the modern technology. Additionally, they are aimed at offering the labor market with the relevant skills and specializations. Human resource training is designed in such a manner that it comprises of various programs. It is believed to be a sophisticated technique of applied knowledge (Clark, 2010).


Evidence-based teaching serves as a foundation for the most excellent practices in teaching. However, there are several drawbacks that are associated with it. First of all, actual verdicts can’t be created on the foundation of proof single-handedly. This is due to the fact that there are a number of aspects that the students ought to cope with. These aspects include budget and development time constraints. Others include political pressures and technological capabilities. The second drawback is that the prevailing evidence-based doctrines are to some extent restricted. Majority of the experiments that are related to evidence-based training have restrictions. Some of them may not be applicable in other civilizations. Furthermore, a number of experimental tutorials are moderately short. They last for up to 1 hour in most cases. It is tricky to discern whether they may possibly serve the intended purpose (Clark, 2010).

However, the advantages of evidence-based teaching in the human resource training and development exceed the aforementioned drawbacks. If a student performs poorly in his or her academics, the upshots are not only expensive to that particular student but also to the entire society. Educators have been compelled to adapt evidence-based teaching styles which are capable of producing graduates who are able to cope with the ever-increasing technological innovations. The hope is that the successful implementation of evidence-based teaching shall lead to major enhancement in learner learning and accomplishment.

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