Community Relations of Liverpool Football Club

As the head of the consortium, I will recommend the buying of Liverpool Football Club due to its rich history both in England and in Continent Europe and also due to high proceeds generated by the club (as a result of sale of tickets, sale of player(s), its participation in both domestic and European leagues, sale of attires and other merchandise).

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  The Club was established in the second year of the last decade of the 19th century (1892). It was subsequently admitted into the English Premier League (at that time it was refereed to as Premier League) in the third year of this decade. So far, the club has bagged a sum of eighteen English Premier League titles. Also, it has won a sum of 7 Football Association Cups, three European cups and 5 UE Football Association Championship trophies in its history. Other trophies are one European Super Cup and three Charity Shield trophies.

Community relations of Liverpool football Club

 Liverpool discerns the fundamental task it may possibly play in backing the surrounding community (community surrounding it within the city of Liverpool). For that reason, the club has been involved in several schemes that are aimed at promoting the wellbeing of the surrounding community. One, it has constantly been involved in training male and female adolescents from the surrounding suburbs. This program also incorporates adults and physically challenged kids. It is designed in such a manner that it offers holiday training programs. The club has a special community department within its premises (Anfield Stadium that is located in the city of Liverpool). This department addresses critical issues that affect the community for instance racism and gun crime.

  Two, it has an educational centre that was specifically established a decade ago to offer educational prospects to school going kids. This centre is known as “Reduca@te”. The main objective of this centre is to make better both the literacy and Information Communication Technology skills of kids who hail from the surrounding community. Three, Liverpool football club has to a large extent been engrossed/involved in the fight against certain vices in the community. These vices include drug abuse and racism. It has succeeded in achieving this via performing and visual arts. This entails usage of anti-racism and anti-drug messages to sensitize the community on the undesirable consequences of these vices.

Liverpool football club fans

The club persists to benefit from a cordial association with its fans. It discerns and at the same time honors the vital contribution created by each fan to the continuing accomplishment and prolonged existence. The club strives to craft modalities which ensure that it is easily reached to its fans. It achieves this via communicating valuable information through correct channels in a mode that is not only apparent, but also effectual. Furthermore, it endeavors to pay special attention to the most excellent interests of its fan. Liverpool Football Club enjoys the support of many fans both domestically (in England) and globally.

Current structure of Liverpool FC

 The majority shareholder of the club is John Henry. He is an American by nationality. Minority shareholders include George Gillett and Tom Hicks. John acquired a higher stake after purchasing most shares a while back. This initiative was aimed at saving the club from its monetary tribulations. It was also aimed at returning it (Liverpool FC) to its winning ways after a dismal start to the 2010/2011 English Premier League season. The Chairman of the club is Martin Broughton while the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) is Christine Purslow.  Its Project Manager is Marl Haig while his assistant is Christine Mounsey. Other managerial positions in the club include treasurer, administration manager, coordinators, equipments manager, communication manager, community club manager and maintenance manager.

 Two, Roy Hodgson is the coach. He replaced Rafael Benitez who left the club several months back to head Inter Milan. Roy is assisted by Sammy Lee. First team coach of the club is Mauricio Pellegrino while the reserve team coach is Garry Ablett. On the other hand, the goalkeeping coach is Xavi Valero while the Fitness coach is Pacode Miguel. The chief scout is Eduardo Marcia.

  Three, current squad of the club is made up of 27 players. These players include Brad Jones, Glen Johnson, Nathan Eccleston, Martin Skrtel, Paul Konchesky, Raul Meireles, Martin Kelly, Jonjo Shelvey, Daniel Agger and Fabio Aurelio. Other players are Stephen Darby, Christian Poulsen, Steven Gerrard, Fernando Torres, Jay Spearing, Pepe Reina, Joe Cole, Dani Pacheco, David Ngog, Jamie Carragher and Milan Jovanovic. Sotiros Kyrgiakos, Danny Wilson, Lucas Leiva, Maxi Rodriguez, Ryan Babel and Dick Kuyt are also some of the players that make up the current Liverpool FC squad.

 The Club’s players who are at the moment away on-loan include Philip Degen and Emiliano Insua. The former player is away on loan in Stuttgart FC, Germany while the latter in Galatasary, Turkey. Other players are Aberto Aquilani (in Juventus, Italy), Nabil El Zhar (in PAOK Athens, Greece). Daniel Ayala is set to join Hull City FC in January of 2011(next year) also on-loan.

 With your purchase of the club you are required to bring in a new Club Manager/Head Coach, who would you like to bring in and why

I would bring in Jose Mourinho who is the current coach of Real Madrid football club which is situated in Madrid, Spain. This is because he has vast coaching experience. Also, he is one of the most successful coaches as far as the UE Football Association competition is concerned. He started his career in his native country Portugal by managing several clubs. One of the clubs is “Sport Lisboa e Benfica”.  The second club is “Uniao de Leira”.  Next, he coached FC Porto in the era in between the years two thousand and two (2002) and two thousand and three (2003). Jose won Portuguese Liga and UE Football Association title in year two thousand and three (2003). FC Porto also won the Cup of Portugal in that year. Two, in the year 2004, he was hired by Roman Abramovich (Russian Billionaire owner of Chelsea FC) as the head coach replacing Claudio Ranieri. He won two English Premier League titles with Chelsea but after a disagreement with the owner, he left it and moved to Inter Milan FC. He won 3 titles with the Club this year including UE Football Association Championship. Jose subsequently moved to Real Madrid a few months ago.

Furthermore, you have $25 million (US) to spend on players. Using the clubs current squad spot the areas of weakness and who you would bring in to replace those players.

Liverpool FC is currently ranked 9th in English Premier League and has 15 points from 11 matches. The club’s weakness is in its defensive and striking forces. For that reason, I shall replace 2 defenders whom I consider to perform poorly. These defenders include Martin Skrtel and Paul Konchesky.

 I shall replace Martin with Carlos Puyol who plays as a defender for both Barcelona FC and Spain’s national soccer team. Puyol possesses excellent defensive qualities. These qualities include tackling and marking. He is capable of controlling the ball extremely well and can also score goals using his head. Carlos possesses excellent personal and physical attributes. Other excellent skills include work rate and cognitive-perceptual. Secondly, I will replace Paul with defender Douglas Maicon who plays for both Inter Milan FC and Brazil’s national soccer team. He possesses excellent defensive qualities, personal and physical attributes and also good work rate.

As much as the striking force is concerned, I will only replace Ryan Babel with Lionel Messi. Messi plays for both Barcelona FC (Football Club) and Argentina national soccer team. He was voted the best player of 2009 in the world after assisting his club in lifting European Championship trophy. Barcelona thrashed Manchester United 2 nil. Also, he ended up as the Tournament’s top scorer and as the best player. He possesses excellent technical, cognitive-perceptual and person attributes. His work rate is splendid.

Interview a Professional Scout with in a soccer club: Face to face interviews are preferred, but phone interviews are acceptable

Informational interview is typified by an occupation/job hunter asking for vocational counsel.

I happened to have a phone informational interview with the chief scout of Manchester United football club. Below is the excerpt/extract of the interview.

Interview Date: 7/11/2010

Interviewer: Patrick Owito

Interviewee: Jim Lawlor

Patrick: Jim, thank you for taking the time to answer my queries regarding scouting profession. What responsibilities do you undertake as a scout of Manchester United football club?

Jim: My job involves watching football matches between different clubs for instance Everton United and Fulham United and subsequently spotting talented players.  Afterward I must recommend these players to the club manager (Sir Alex Ferguson) who subsequently signs the player from his respective club.

Patrick: As a professional scout in this club, what are your roles from the start of the English Premier League season and during the season?

Jim: Patrick, being a professional scout is an exceedingly demanding career that requires maximum attentiveness. I must travel mainly by air from one city to another to watch different English Premier League matches. And frequently am necessitated to travel across Continent Europe. I am much occupied with responsibilities especially when the Champions League matches are on. For instance, I went on 2 October 2010 to San Ciro, in Milan Italy to watch AC Milan play Parma. The next day, I traveled to Madrid, Spain to watch Real Madrid Play Deportivo La Coruna at the Santiago Bernabeu. I went back to Manchester on Tuesday morning in preparation for the forthcoming English Premier League matches. On 19 October, 2010 I flew from Manchester to Dusseldorf, Germany. Next, I had to travel by train to Gelsenkirchen to watch Schalke 04 play Hapoel Telaviv in a Champions League encounter.

Patrick: Do you foresee any further developments within scouting profession?

Jim: Generally speaking, most major soccer leagues in USA and in Europe to a larger scope scout and at the same time sign new soccer players. Personally, in the next 5 years more football clubs across the globe shall invest more financial resources in scouting. Scouts will also be compensated handsomely for their exemplary work. I also believe that the profession will have reached its peak by this time in the sense that it will be a key determiner of the kind of players that will be signed by a particular club (2015). So, a bright future awaits those individuals who are aspiring to become professional scouts.

Patrick: How did you get into the soccer business and please furnish me with a brief summary of your background?

Jim: Honestly, I must say that soccer business is very competitive and requires much expertise for a person to succeed. I took a Scouting course several years back. This course enabled me to acquire skills on structures of clubs and team evaluation methods. I also acquired skills on coaching techniques and player evaluation. I also have a Master’s degree in Sports Science.  Some years back, I worked with the South African football association. I have also lectured at the John Moores University, Liverpool. Specifically, I lectured Sports Science. While serving as a lecturer in this institution, I had a chance of working on a tracking scheme for usage within football matches. I have been involved in scouting of several soccer players for Manchester United. These players included Henrik Larsson who was signed by my club for 2- and-a half months. Another one is Didier Zokora.

Patrick: What sort of advice can you give to a person who is aspiring to enter the scouting field?

Jim: Well, I must say that scouting is a profession that has many gains. It permits a scout to pay special attention to several prime objectives. One of the objectives is to detect novel football talent. This guarantees the expansion of the soccer business. Two, scouting allows a scout to serve like a channel for his or her ambitions.

Patrick: Jim, this has been a wonderful telephone interview. Thank you!!

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