History essay samples


The Thailand Conflict

Over the years, there has been constant conflict in Thailand. Thailand has experienced conflict for over a hundred years. This is to say that the ...


History and Evolution of Medical Mobile Technology

Medicine is the field that has been very intensive since its inception; several attempts have been made along the generations orally. According to ...


World History Paper

The age of Renaissance spanned the periods starting from the mid 14th century to the beginning of the 17th century. It was a period that saw a ...


Multinational Operations in Darfur

Since it gained independence in 1956, Sudan has experienced internal warfare for all years except only ten. Before it was separated into two, Sudan ...


Humor in American History


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Humor in the United States of America is traced back to the revolution period. American humor can be defined ...


The Settlement of the American West from 1870 to 1990

In 1860, Great Plains were called by Americans the “Great American Desert”. Iowa, Minnesota, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Missouri, were very ...


Civil War between North and South

In the spring of 1861 in the United States a civil war began between the North and several slave states from the South. American Civil War was one of ...


Rohypnol: Misuse of a Date-Rape Drug


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During the period between the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, a number of achievements have ...


Reform of the UN

On October 24, 2013, the United Nations Organization will mark its 68th anniversary. This institution is often referred to as one of the 21st century ...


Common Sense

According to Foot et al., it is significant that such an influential argument was authored by a recent migrant since experience is not based on ...

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