History essay samples


The Death of Marat and the French Revolution

Jacques-Louis David’s book The Death of Marat illustrates a picture of a murdered revolutionary bent in his tub. Marat is portrayed holding a quill ...


A Year in the South, 1865

A Year in the South, 1865 is a written narrative based on the lives of four individuals living in the South after the Civil War. These people ...


Melian Dialogue

Melian dialogue is one of a few written texts, which contain important memories about the ancient period. This dialogue represents a written speech, ...


Ancient Culture and Civilizations

In order to have proper knowledge of reality, people should find the answers to the most important issues of human existence in the past. This ...


History of Philosophy

According to Nichols (2007), “Traditional history of philosophy proceeds by close reading of the texts, by using textual evidence” (p. 262). ...


Modern History

It is indeed true that cultural and technological advancements have had tremendous effect on the way people have been communicated, particularly in ...


Importance of History

Abstract The study of any discipline requires justification for its significance. We live in the present and face challenges day by day. Most studies ...


American History: Selected Chapters

The good leadership and the civil activism have facilitated the development of United States. The current paper gives the summary of selected ...


History of the United States in the 19th century

During the Spanish American War, the foreign policies of the United States were aimed at national development and economy. The United States ...


Sainsbury's Supermarkets


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Established in 1869, Sainsbury’s supermarkets remain one of the longest standing food retailer chain ...

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