History of the United States in the 19th century

During the Spanish American War, the foreign policies of the United States were aimed at national development and economy. The United States introduced the Open Door Foreign Policy during the Spanish American War that entailed the allowance of all nations' equal trading right of entry. The Spanish-American War secured the position of the United States as a pacific power. These were policies that developed the interest of the United States, such as the construction of the Panama Canal. On the other hand, foreign policies during the Second World War era were mainly the ideas of peace, freedom and democracy. They included such as joining the Grand Alliance. It is thus clear that during the World War I, the United States had developed awareness of peace.

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The Progressive period in the United States lasted from the 1890s to 1920s. This movement was promoted by social factors such as modernization, family and food, education, social sciences and democracy. One the chief factors that reformers hoped to accomplish included the aspiration to remove corruption and unjustifiable influence from the government via enlightening of bosses and political machines. In addition, they also had views on technology and the automation of rural America (Wendy, 2005).

The Great Migration brought about housing tensions that was the main reason as to why most blacks in the United States developed their own settlements in the big cities. This isolation saw the growth of a new urban African American culture. One of these tows is Harlem in the New York City. This created an opportunity for artistic movements, such as the Negro movement. However, it is the negative impact of racism between the blacks and the whites in the United States that happened as a result of this separation (Wendy, 2005).

The end of the World War I saw the social shift of the woman, in the middle of the 19th century; the role of the woman in the freedom movement activities was evident and accepted in several countries. Women made several revolutionary changes in social sectors. Women were allowed to take part in the voting process, and they with time attained the gender equality rights. In the 1920s, several women defined freedom via the freedom to enjoy themselves. According to these women, a new woman by the name flapper was born (Wendy, 2005).

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