Ethical Climate Survey

Consultancy services are essential in the provision of qualitative healthcare since it incorporates multiple ideas from many healthcare stakeholders. Appropriate organizational culture of a healthcare institution is essential for the maintenance of the patients' health and interrelationships between the relevant stakeholders. This paper focuses on the ethical framework of health care institutions discussing the need and operation of consultancy services in healthcare institutions and further enshrines the adoption of upright corporate culture in hospitals.

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Description of the Organization

As the healthcare field becomes more complicated, the intersection between organizational culture and ethics is growing tremendously. Most bioethics decisions made within the healthcare framework need to be consistent with the medical environment and should seek to sustain the prevalent needs of both patients and the healthcare providers (Victor, Cullen, 1988). Healthcare institutions could either be private or state-owned, but their operations revolve around sourcing for suppliers, provision of services, collection of revenues, and management of employees. Thus, the consideration of prevalent ethical issues while implementing healthcare decisions is of a prime importance in the maintenance of a rational moral and organizational climate. This initiative is deemed viable as it ensures a common operation mechanism of all stakeholders as they strive to avoid both legal and ethical liabilities.

Healthcare institutions are faced with multiple challenges with respect to organizational ethics, which, according to studies, is a factor of competitive pressures, social objectives, and management styles. Researches further provide that their corporate culture has a significant impact on the ethical issues surrounding such organizations. Hospital operations, for example, encompass the procurement of medical supplies, an aspect that faces the threat of corruption, nepotism, and fraudulent deals. Additionally, the remuneration framework, human resource functions, conflicts of interests, sexual harassment, discrimination, and familial relationships entail hospitals’ ethical concerns.

The prevalence of a sustainable safety culture in a hospital aids in minimizing medical errors during the provision of efficient healthcare and patients’ safety. A robust ethical framework ensures that the hospital strives to create rational stakeholder relationships while upholding its mission, goals, and values that result in a healthy organizational culture (Silverman, 2000). However, studies provide that the creation of a strong hospital culture entails an array of steps.

Key Steps for a Strong Culture in Healthcare Institutions

Firstly, the management should set a clear and viable organizational mission and goals. This process should ensure that the overall organizational goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realizable and time bound. Additionally, the stakeholders should be well informed concerning such objectives (Victor, Cullen, 1988). The onset of a high culture is the realization of the particular needs of every relevant party that is attained through effective organizational communication.

Secondly, hospitals should value and empower all the health care personnel through appreciation of every effort towards the organizational success.

Thirdly, a healthcare institution should ensure that all the hospital's staff is engaged actively in its respective roles to ensure adequate patients’ recovery and maintenance of a safe environment.

The organizational mentorship program is the fourth step, which ensures that the hospital leaders works as example based on the continued practice of the predefined corporate culture. Furthermore, through exemplary leadership, the healthcare mentees will understand the underlying reasons for certain hospital conducts and would thus seek to raise the efficiency of their roles and desist from unethical behaviors.

The fifth step is continued focus on the healthcare system issue. It equips the medical practitioners with the ability to assess prevailing healthcare trends and practices and decide on the best alternatives to implement with regards to maintaining a healthy organizational culture (Silverman, 2000).

The last step is the exploration of important health developments opportunities. Through intensive healthcare research, clinicians would ensure the safety of patients and practice a strong organizational interrelationship.

The Tie Between Organizational Culture and Ethical Conduct in Hospitals

The basis of a successful organization is found on a well-established corporate culture. The safety margin of an organization's success is dictated by a firm's culture that is a factor of employee and management decision making, operational affiliations and underlying rules and policies (Valentine, Godkin, Fleischman, & Kidwell, 2011). Studies provide that corporate culture is a network of organization's beliefs, attitudes, customs, language, and ideologies. The management handles the maintenance of the corporate culture towards the improvement of organizational performance. Studies indicate that corporate culture is a factor of trust, human nature, human activity and nature of human relationships (Silverman, 2000). Due to the pressures and challenges in the business environment, organizational culture is established by the provisions of corporate ethics.

Corporate ethics refers to the manner of conduct as guided by an established code of principles that defines what is right or wrong (Silverman, 2000). Through them, an organization is capable of defining its mission and values towards the observation of a morally upright society. By providing a system of policies, standards help organization's management in making decisions and operational guidelines in varied situations. However, the diversity of organizational cultures prescribes the acceptable values for the adoption by organizations to avoid corporate conflicts. In a hospital framework, the healthcare code of ethics is established in line with the hospitals’ corporate culture hence ensuring ethical responsibility of all the relevant stakeholders (Valentine, Godkin, Fleischman, & Kidwell, 2011). The following survey is meant to create the interplay between organizational culture and organizational ethics for a healthcare organization.

The Survey

Hospitals are faced with particular ethical challenges ranging from the management of human resources to operational efficiencies. Thus, they have devised congruent organizational cultures to boost the maintenance of human health and to prevent any unwarranted conducts by the involved stakeholders (Ghorbani, Hesamzadeh, Khademloo, Khalili, Hesamzadeh, & Berger, V 2014). However, with regards to difficulties present within the healthcare institutions, this survey is meant to exploit the corporate culture and ethical behavior prevalent in hospitals.

My target respondents are the medical practitioners and patients. The first group is composed of both doctors and nurses. The rationale for using the doctors is because they are involved in the provision of medical care to the sick in line with established ethical conduct. The patients’ category is composed of both in-patient and out-patient individuals who are accorded medical care and thus have a god experience in organizational culture and ethics. My respondent groups should complete the survey to provide my study with a real basis for garnering the right understanding of the ties between hospitals’ corporate culture and hospitals’ ethics.

Invitation to Survey

Healthcare institutions provide a critical pillar to the people's heath wellbeing. However, the established hospitals’ organizational culture and prevailing healthcare ethics determine the level of health care efficiency that patients obtain. The respondents’ unparalleled contribution to the survey will help in identifying the influence of hospitals’ culture and ethical conduct on the healthcare provision. Additionally, the study will assist in pointing out areas of moral and cultural deficiencies concerning future improvements in healthcare provision (Valentine, Godkin, Fleischman, & Kidwell, 2011).

Criteria for the Ethical Climate Survey

The healthcare ethical environment revolves around the actual conduct by relevant hospital stakeholders regarding underlying healthcare standards and policies. This climate questionnaire is meant to tap respondents’ perception of the applicability of healthcare ethics and organizational culture in hospitals. The patient and clinicians respondent groups will equip the survey with the necessary information for a credible conclusion concerning the adherence to healthcare culture and healthcare ethics. The patient respondents should be currently undergoing treatment and should be gender sensitive while the clinicians should be currently on duty and also be gender-sensitive.


The survey will involve the issuance of both open and close-ended questionnaires. The respondents are advised to be frank and honest in their answers as well as ensure completeness in the filling of the questionnaire (Whitehead, Herbertson, Hamric., Epstein, & Fisher, 2015). They should make sure that they utilize the Richter scale accordingly to indicate the extent of agreement or disagreement to the factors in question. To avoid any judgment or bias, the respondents should not indicate their names and should observe all the rules mentioned in the questionnaire. We promise the respondents the high confidentiality for their responses.

Sample Questions

Q1. (a) Clinicians are well versed in hospital's corporate culture and ethical climate. What is your take on the interplay between organizational culture and health care ethical climate?
(b) What factors do you think contribute to qualitative healthcare?
(c) What programs do you think promote ethical consultations in hospitals?
(d) Please rate the extent of a favorable organizational culture in your hospital. Circle accordingly. – High –Medium – Moderate – Low.

Q2. (a) Patients constitute a hospital's customer base. What is your perception of the impact of both the hospital's culture and ethical climate on an adequate health care?
(b) Outline the importance of an open hospital system for proper hospital ethics and culture.
(c) What specific clinical areas would you like to propose the clinicians to improve?
(d) Please rate your overall experience of hospital's organizational culture. – Highly Favorable – Moderately Favorable – Favorable – Unfavorable – Not favorable at all.

Q3. (a) Explain the common ethical dimensions that shape the hospital’s culture.
(b) How do leaders in hospital affect the hospital’s culture and ethical environment?
(c) What are the most common training programs for healthcare ethics and culture?
(d) Please, outline the most common unethical conduct and illegal practices in the healthcare industry.


Healthcare institutions have come under heightened pressure to portray a socially responsible conduct towards a rational ethical sustainability and corporate culture. An upright relationship between the clinicians and patients in a hospital framework is essential for health provision and improvement in service delivery. I expect this survey to equip me with a sample response on how organizational culture and ethical conduct can impact on the overall operational efficiency and better customer service. Additionally, I expect to get recommendations on how the relevant stakeholders could alter their intent and behaviors hence ensuring a healthy nation.

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