Conflict of Interest in Clinical Trial

The conduct of clinical research clearly establishes the code of respect for patient sovereignty as well as informed approval by the patient. However, in the practical clinical trials practices, it is not clear how medics apply the stipulated concepts. Conduction of successful clinical trials begins with the enrollment of participants. Besides, the success of clinical trials relies on patient retention form the offset of the study to the final stages of the clinical research. Patient retention is facilitated by clear enrolment of participants basing on the sound policies laid down by patients and the recruiting clinic. Research indicate that physicians, especially the private sector medics compromise the ethical standard by failing to get the informed consent of human subjects enrolled for clinical trials.

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Thesis: The conflicting of interest between the physician and patient enrolling for clinical trials lies in the choice of treatment and care because the patients are not offered a detailed plan of the physician’s clinical routine.

Problems / Obstacles: private physicians use Patients as experiment subject without their consent or approval.
Solutions/Methods to Overcome Obstacles. The law enforcement must strictly punish physicians engaging in the vice. Patients must not undergo any form of treatment without fully understanding its implications.Key Issue #1. The conflicting of interest between the physician and patient enrolling for clinical trials lies in the choice of treatment and care because the patients are not offered a detailed plan of the physician’s clinical routine.
Key Issue #2. Physicians need to inform the patient about the clinical trial process and give them the pros and cons of undertaking the exercise. Patients independently decide whether they are willing to take the exercise or not.
Key Issue #3Physicians have a responsibility to inform human subject on any new trial results so that the patient may decide whether to proceed with the trial or not.
Thesis statement : There is no conflicting interest between physicians and  patients  enrolling for the clinical trial process because the patients freely consent to be used in the  trials.

Problems / Obstacles: Patients consent to clinical trials before understanding and evaluating the process  in terms of choice of treatment, physician routine and possible side effects associated with the research outcome.

Patients are forced to consent to clinical trials without fully understanding the process, choice of drugs and procedure and the possible outcome of the clinical trial process.

Solutions/Methods to Overcome Obstacles include giving subjects enough information to understand and consent to choice of treatment, care and possible outcome of the trial.

Pro Argument #1 Patients freely consent to be used in clinically trials because they understand that the process is experimental and the outcome may be positive or negative.
Con Argument #1 Conflicting interest between physicians and patient enrolling for the clinical trial might cause a ligation against the pharmaceutical company sponsoring the trials.
Rebuttal to opposing argument #1: Conflicting interests are minimized by trials on animals and rodents to aid in research and development to eliminate adverse effects.  
Pro Argument #2 Patient interest against social goals of the clinical trial outcome may interfere with invention of new pharmaceuticals to counter disease.
Con Argument #2 Patients affected by clinical trials end up neglected in sickly conditions unless government passes a bill to protect the health of subjects for life.
Rebuttal to opposing argument #2 Subjects agree to undertake clinical trials after undergoing rigorous health check-ups to minimize possibility of poisoning or negative side effects.
Pro Argument #3 The profits that a new invention of a pharmaceutical makes is huge besides the introduction of new curative or preventive options through the trial of a few.  
Con Argument #3 The trial time period is short to establish true side effects of clinical trials besides knowing the precise side reactions within body of subjects.
Rebuttal to opposing argument #3 Medicine or pharmaceuticals take a short time to be digested and discarded from the body system to hamper long term adverse effects on subject.
Part V. Clinic trials remain an important aspect of research and development that supports invention of new medicines and pharmaceuticals to increase the efficiency of both preventive and curative services.
A. Summary of the main issues: The health and wellbeing of subjects inducted to undergo random clinical trials must be protected from adverse effects caused by the pharmaceutical products on trial.   

B. Summary of proposed solutions: Eliminate adverse effects and side effects associated with reactive elements used for manufacturing pharmaceuticals used for clinical trials to avoid possible poisoning or deterioration of health of subjects.  
C. Take home message: Subjects who are used for clinical trials need to know their rights such providing a health cover for more than five years at the cost of trial sponsor.

Clinical researcher and human subject face numerous conflicting interest on the ethical obligations. To resolve this conflict, clinical researcher must consider and weigh their clinical options in relation to ethical standards. The clinical researcher must weigh the benefits and risks associated with the trial and endeavor to provide quality care to the human subjects.

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