Case Study Approach

A learning disability can be classified in different ways, in which a student has trouble, while learning in a normal way, and the condition is caused by unknown issues. Many people tend to use learning disorder and learning disabilities interchangeably, though both tend to differ. When it comes to learning disability, it is used to refer to notable learning challenges in an educational area. The challenges are not that immense to warrant any form of official diagnosis. On the other hand, a learning disorder is usually a formal clinical diagnosis, when the affected person meets a certain criterion, which is determined by a specified professional (Ho, 2004). Different studies have been carried out in relation to the subject of the study, where researchers have been concerned with the understanding of different aspects of a learning disability. There are those, who have been focusing their studies on determining factors that cause a learning disability (Dudley-Marling, 2004). On the other hand, some studies have been focusing on understanding how learning disabilities can be dealt with among students with learning disabilities. There are different forms of approaches that are used in terms of conducting different types of research. Case study approach is one of the methods that are widely used in carrying out the research, relating to learning disabilities among students. This method involves a researcher, taking a sample of students with learning disabilities and observing how they behave, before making a conclusion on the subject of the study.

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Findings of the Case Studies

The first case study is about Jane, who is a grade two student. She has learning disabilities, which are evident in different aspects of her academic life. She has some learning difficulties in the areas of social skills, inability to regulate her emotions and non-verbal memory. According to the case study, Jane has a neurodevelopment disorder that is blamed on causing a slow development in her communication and fine motor development. A close look at the Jane case reveals that her inability to regulate her emotions is caused by what she passed through during her childhood. She lost her father at a tender age, and this loss affected her emotional development. Whenever she remembers the death of her loving dad, the researcher reveals that Jane always has a hard time, dealing with negative emotions. A careful analysis of the emotional background shows that the emotional challenges that Jane has gone through in life has affected her emotional aspect of life, making her to concentrate in class. Anything that causes negative memories of what happened during her childhood results in the lack of concentration in class, leading to learning disabilities. The study shows that the problem related to the non-verbal learning is caused by rigid behaviors on the part of Jane, visual-spatial organization, perception and imaging, fine motor challenges, which relate to letter spacing and formation problem, difficulties with mathematics and in different areas of language art such as disorganized writing and challenges in understanding relationship that exist between making conclusions, drawing references and events. Finally, peer relationships, according to the case study, may have a negative impact on the learner. If there is a negative peer relationship, the student is likely to have a learning disability as the affected student cannot manage to concentrate in class.

Case two is about John, who also has a learning disability. The case focuses on what needs to be done to accommodate students with learning disabilities. To start with, John needs help in note taking, given that he does not have the ability to effectively take his own notes. As a result of this condition, he has to resort to other students for help in order for him to succeed in his studies. The main challenge that he faces is the fear of asking for help from classmates, making the condition worse. From the case of John, it is substantially clear that students with learning disabilities always face a challenge of requesting help from their fellow students. They always fear being seen as receiving much attention and other forms of concerns. This leads to them having problems, when it comes to managing their learning disability. It is also clear from the case under review that despite the resources being provided by learning institutions to help those with learning disabilities, the affected students rarely take advantage of the resources provided to them. Thus, it is hard for a student affected by this problem to manage his or her learning disabilities problems. In order to accommodate students with disabilities in schools, students and teachers should be in the forefront to help those students, who have these problems. For instance, in the case of John, his fellow students should be willing to take notes on his behalf, thus, helping him in overcoming his problem. Learning institutions should also offer rewarding programs for those students, who assist their colleagues with learning disabilities. In conclusion, the structures should be developed to accommodate students with learning disabilities in learning institutions.

Evaluation of the Approach

Firstly, the researcher used one of the most appropriate research methods that are related to the subject of study. The methods used enabled the researcher to interact freely with the respondents, thereby, winning their confidence (Herrman, 2009). The confidence of the participants in terms of the researcher as well as the subject of the study is crucial in any field of study. It helps them to have trust in the researcher, as well as the subject of the research. Therefore, the methods used in this research enabled the researcher to win the trust of the participants.

Secondly, the method used enabled the researcher to collect the accurate data in relation to the subject of the study. Accuracy of the data collected is highly crucial, when it comes to analysis of data. It enables the researcher to effectively analyze the data and draw a conclusion that is accurate based on the result of the study. Thirdly, the methods used in data acquisition in this study enhance the reliability of the data collected. Data used in any study must be reliable, and the method used to gather the data determines the level of reliability of the data collected (Berg, 2009). For instance, the method used in the study enabled the researcher to collect first hand information that will be vital in making a conclusion from the study.


There is a high probability that some of the information that was collected in this study could be inaccurate, thereby, making the findings of this study inaccurate and unreliable. For instance, taking a small sample size affects the results to a considerable degree. In order to make the information in the findings more credible, the researcher should make a conclusion, based on the sources that are seen to provide information that is more accurate. As it appears from these research findings, the findings lack the accuracy and the soundness that are crucial. This is because the respondents, who participated in the case study, might have felt uncomfortable with presenting their actual perceptions about the issues related to the subject of the study. These problems can be overcome by taking a larger sample size in order to increase the liability of data collected as well as it accuracy.

Goals of Using Case Study Approach

Case approach enables the researcher to have first hand information, thereby, increasing the reliability of the data collected. Furthermore, the method enables the researcher to freely interact with the participants of the study. Given that the sample population is small, the method will be vital in increasing the accuracy and reliability of the data that will be collected in relation to the subject of the study.

Advantages of Using Case Study Approach

Using the case study enables the researcher to interact freely with the respondents, thereby, winning their confidence. The confidence of the participants in terms of the researcher as well as the subject of the study is crucial in any field study. Moreover, the method used enables the researcher to collect accurate data in relation to the subject of the study. Accuracy of the data collected is very crucial, when it comes to analysis of data.

The same approach has some limitations. First and foremost, the participants in this research may have not been given a chance to choose on whether to participate in the study. There is a high probability that some of the information that was collected in this study could be inaccurate, thereby, making of the findings of this study inaccurate and unreliable.

Ethical Issues and how to Overcome Them

The participants in this research may have not been given a chance to choose on whether to participate in the study. The researcher may not have fully informed of their rights and the role of the data that they provided. This ethical challenge can be handled through informing the participants about their rights and getting their consent to participate in the study.


The main goals of the study were to understand ways, in which the students with disabilities can be helped in overcoming the challenge of learning in school. The target population was students with learning disabilities. The method of data collection was a case study approach. The findings of this study help in adding knowledge on what needs to be done to help students with learning disabilities.

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