Business essay samples


Management Skills

Decision making is one of the most important skills in management.  Basically, management is a decision making process. Everything a manager does ...


Negotiation and Bargaining


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Negotiation is a dialogue between two parties that is used to solve a dispute or a contentious between them. ...


Training Methods for Learning New Software


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Taking into consideration the fact that new employees are required to use the new customized version of the ...


Management Related Issues and their Effect on Sick Leaves

Employee satisfaction and its relationship with sick leaves

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There are some common health related complains AMS Pte ltd ...


Yellow Fever

Yellow fever is a severe hemorrhagic disease caused by virus that is transmitted by infected mosquitoes. It is referred to the particularly dangerous ...


'Unhealthy' Milk and 'Healthy' Lunch Program

All children in the United States of America should have lunch at school, besides this lunch should be healthy. But the tendency is that food ...


Dialogue Between Beccaria, Lombroso and Durkheim

Criminology, as every science, is based on facts and evidence. This paper is aimed to create a dialogue between three criminologists of the ...


Marketing Strategy for Adidas vs. Nike

Nike and Adidas are the two most popular companies that deal with sporting equipments in the world. They share one thing in common, which is being ...


The Next Sports Marketing Icon

Develop a Possible Mission Statement for Yao Ming

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Yao Ming is a professional basketball player currently playing for the ...


Workforce Shortages in Healthcare


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 The shortage of health officers in various facilities is increasing and the catastrophe seems to be cutting ...

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