Institutional Security

Institutional security basically refers to all security measures put up by the government or even the corporate entities so as to protect social structures like schools and prisons. It is obvious that universities, colleges, hospitals, and banking entities have presumably exceptional security requirements, since these areas are visited by quite large quantities of people at any given time. Consequently, the level of security in such institutions is extremely high since they have high turnout of citizens, let alone the employees, and the security measures taken are thorough. Disaster recovery refers to the course, policies and measures that are associated with preparing for recuperation or continuance of the technology infrastructure in an institution after a human induced or natural disaster. Therefore, disaster resurgence is actually a compartment of commerce continuity and majorly touches on the technology or IT systems which support all the business functions. Executive security refers to the protection measures acquired to make sure the security of the VIPs and other persons who might be on the exposure to high personal danger due to their geographical location, celebrity status, or employment (Ortmeier, 2012).

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Industrial security is very significant in the business sector as it ensures safety in the shopping malls and retail businesses. Every institution is under stress to highly reduce their disclosure to security threats and financial risks, therefore these businesses have turned to the measures like installing close circuit television systems, mobile emergence response teams, and even manned security services.

Retail loss prevention describes a cluster of performances applied by the retail businesses or rather companies in order to decrease and prevent losses from either fraud or theft. Prevention of loss is generally found in the retail zone, but, as well, in other protection environments, and this practice is reinforced conventionally through a noticeable security vigor coordinated with technology like the Emergency Alert System and CCTV(Closed-circuit television) security barriers, so as to curtail the issue of loss to a company.

Statistics from the U.S. bureau showed that the workplace violence is present in the country. This form of violence occurs within or externally from the place of work and ranges from verbal abuse and threats to homicide and physical assaults. It is actually a leading cause of occupational related deaths in the country. The identification of the risk factors involved and establishment of zero forbearance to violence can highly reduce the issue of workplace violence (Feds: Workplace violence caused nearly 17 percent of all fatal U.S. work injuries in 2011, 2012).

For the past decade, the U.S. has seen the growth of bureaucracy towards building the country’s security organs with the aim to prevent thwarting, like 9/11, ever to happen again in the country. The Department of Homeland Security (HS) has been a security organ established to prevent and build a new home security venture towards enhanced mitigation and defense against forceful threats, curtail risks, and to exploit the capacity to react and convalesce from disasters and attacks of all sorts. Therefore, HS has acted effectively in preventing internal and external terrorism and, therefore, it gains its main purpose of protecting the elementary civil liberties of the entire Americans (Ortmeier, 2012). 

In this era of technology, many people have opted into internet banking, since its convenient and time saving, but, at the same time, the banking security has received numerous threats which include: keyloggers, Trojans, virus, adware and spyware, phishing, inside attacks like hacking,  card skimming, and the first party scam are the most common threats to banking.

Scams and theft have been on the business industry from time immemorial, but recently they have evolved to more sophisticated and crude techniques aimed at stealing money or even merchandise from stores. This sort of theft brings losses to the business, and theft is categorized into internal and external one. Internal theft commonly termed as employee thievery is carried out by the personnel or even their families and friends as they collude to swindle or steal money or merchandise from the store. On the other hand, external theft is carried out by outsiders and is regularly caused by robberies, break-ins, shopliftings, or even other activities by external sources. Internal theft has been recorded as the main source of losses in a business, and external thievery doesn’t cause much loss overall (An introduction to loss prevention, n.d.).

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